Example #1
     if ($status !== false) {
         if ($status == "True") {
             $status = "False";
         } else {
             $status = "True";
     if ($client->updateFieldByID($_GET['invert'], "valid", $status)) {
         echo '<p class="notification green">You have successfully inverted the status of a client.</p>';
         $log->addLog($_SESSION['loggedIn']['id'], "Updated a client status.");
     } else {
         echo '<p class="notification red">Something went wrong while updating the status of the client.</p>';
 } elseif (!empty($_GET['edit']) && is_numeric($_GET['edit'])) {
     $showTable = true;
     if ($client->checkValueExists("id", $_GET['edit'])) {
         $showTable = false;
         if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST") {
             if (empty($_POST['client_firstname']) || empty($_POST['client_nickname']) || empty($_POST['client_valid'])) {
                 echo '<p class="notification red">All fields are required.</p>';
             } else {
                 if (strlen($_POST['client_nickname']) > 32) {
                     echo '<p class="notification red">The client username cannot contain more than 32 characters!</p>';
                 } elseif ($_POST['client_valid'] !== "True" && $_POST['client_valid'] !== "False") {
                     echo '<p class="notification red">The client status is not valid.</p>';
                 } else {
                     if ($client->updateFieldByID($_GET['edit'], "fname", $_POST['client_firstname']) && $client->updateFieldByID($_GET['edit'], "nickname", $_POST['client_nickname']) && $client->updateFieldByID($_GET['edit'], "valid", $_POST['client_valid'])) {
                         echo '<p class="notification green">You have successfully updated a client user.</p>';
                         $log->addLog($_SESSION['loggedIn']['id'], "Updated a client.");
                         $hideform = true;
                         $showTable = true;