Example #1
 private function fillTree(&$categories, $rootCategoryId)
     $tree = array();
     $rootCategoryId = (int) $rootCategoryId;
     foreach ($categories[$rootCategoryId] as $category) {
         $categoryId = (int) $category['id_category'];
         $tree[$categoryId] = $category;
         if (Category::hasChildren($categoryId, $this->getLang(), false, $this->getShop()->id)) {
             $categoryChildren = Category::getChildren($categoryId, $this->getLang(), false, $this->getShop()->id);
             foreach ($categoryChildren as $index => $child) {
                 $childId = (int) $child['id_category'];
                 if (!array_key_exists('children', $tree[$categoryId])) {
                     $tree[$categoryId]['children'] = array($childId => $child);
                 } else {
                     $tree[$categoryId]['children'][$childId] = $child;
                 $categories[$childId] = array($child);
             foreach ($tree[$categoryId]['children'] as $childId => $child) {
                 $subtree = $this->fillTree($categories, $childId);
                 foreach ($subtree as $subcategoryId => $subcategory) {
                     $tree[$categoryId]['children'][$subcategoryId] = $subcategory;
     return $tree;
 private function fillTree(&$categories, $id_category)
     $tree = array();
     foreach ($categories[$id_category] as $category) {
         $tree[$category['id_category']] = $category;
         if (!empty($categories[$category['id_category']])) {
             $tree[$category['id_category']]['children'] = $this->fillTree($categories, $category['id_category']);
         } elseif ($result = Category::hasChildren($category['id_category'], $this->getLang(), false, $this->getShop()->id)) {
             $tree[$category['id_category']]['children'] = array($result[0]['id_category'] => $result[0]);
     return $tree;
 private function fillTree(&$categories, $id_category)
     $tree = array();
     foreach ($categories[$id_category] as $category) {
         $tree[$category['id_category']] = $category;
         if (!empty($categories[$category['id_category']])) {
             $tree[$category['id_category']]['children'] = $this->fillTree($categories, $category['id_category']);
         } elseif ($result = Category::hasChildren($category['id_category'], $this->getLang(), false, (int) Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_DEFAULT'))) {
             $tree[$category['id_category']]['children'] = array($result[0]['id_category'] => $result[0]);
         $sql = 'SELECT p.*, pl.`name` ' . 'FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product` p ' . 'LEFT JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product_lang` pl
                 ON (p.`id_product` = pl.`id_product`
                 AND pl.`id_lang` = ' . (int) $this->getLang() . ' AND pl.`id_shop` = ' . (int) Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_DEFAULT') . ')
             WHERE p.`id_category_default` = ' . (int) $category['id_category'] . ' AND p.`id_shop_default` = ' . (int) Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_DEFAULT') . ($this->useShopRestriction() ? ' AND p.`id_product` IN (SELECT ps.`id_product` FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product_shop` ps WHERE ps.`id_shop` = ' . (int) $this->getShop()->id . ') ' : '') . ($this->useActiveProducts() ? ' AND p.`active` = 1' : '');
         $products = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->executeS($sql, true, false);
         $tree[$category['id_category']]['products'] = $products;
     return $tree;