Example #1
  * Initialize Post object.
  * @param	$id			Post identifier.
  * @param	$subject	Post subject.
 function init($id = 0, $subject = "")
     // Get blogId parameter
     $blogId = getValue("blogId");
     // Create Blog object
     $this->blog = new Blog();
     // Create User object
     $this->user = new User();
     if (!empty($id) || !empty($subject)) {
         global $dbi;
         // Get post data
         $result = $dbi->query("SELECT id,blogId,categoryId,categoryId2,userId,subject,summary,text,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(posted),UNIX_TIMESTAMP(lastUpdated),disableComments,showComments,draft FROM " . blogPostTableName . " WHERE " . (!empty($id) ? "id=" . $dbi->quote($id) : "") . (!empty($subject) ? (!empty($id) ? " OR " : "") . "subject=" . $dbi->quote($subject) : "") . " ORDER BY posted DESC");
         if ($result->rows()) {
             list($this->id, $blogId, $categoryId1, $categoryId2, $userId, $this->subject, $this->summary, $this->text, $this->posted, $this->lastUpdated, $this->disableComments, $this->showComments, $this->draft) = $result->fetchrow_array();
             $this->subject = parseString($this->subject);
             $this->summary = parseString($this->summary);
             $this->text = parseString($this->text);
             // Create blog object
             // Create user object
             // Update old categories (<0.5) to new format
             if (!empty($categoryId1)) {
                 $category = new Category($categoryId1);
                 $category->addCategoryReference(blogModuleId, blogPostContentId, $this->id, $categoryId1, sizeof($this->categories));
                 $dbi->query("UPDATE " . blogPostTableName . " SET categoryId=0,posted=posted,lastUpdated=lastUpdated WHERE id=" . $dbi->quote($this->id));
             if (!empty($categoryId2)) {
                 $category = new Category($categoryId2);
                 $category->addCategoryReference(blogModuleId, blogPostContentId, $this->id, $categoryId2, sizeof($this->categories));
                 $dbi->query("UPDATE " . blogPostTableName . " SET categoryId2=0,posted=posted,lastUpdated=lastUpdated WHERE id=" . $dbi->quote($this->id));
             // Get categories for this post
             $numberOfCategories = 0;
             $result2 = $dbi->query("SELECT c1.title,c2.categoryId,c2.position FROM " . categoryTableName . " as c1," . categoryContentRefTableName . " as c2 WHERE c1.id=c2.categoryId AND c2.moduleId=" . $dbi->quote(blogModuleId) . " AND c2.moduleContentTypeId=" . $dbi->quote(blogPostContentId) . " AND c2.moduleContentId=" . $dbi->quote($this->id));
             if ($result2->rows()) {
                 for ($i = 0; list($categoryTitle, $categoryId, $categoryPosition) = $result2->fetchrow_array(); $i++) {
                     $this->categories[$i][0] = $categoryPosition;
                     $this->categories[$i][1] = stripslashes($categoryTitle);
                     $this->categories[$i][2] = $categoryId;
                 $numberOfCategories = $result2->rows();
             // Sort by position
             // Convert old <img> tags for summary (CMIS 0.1-0.2)
             for ($i = 1; $i <= 4; $i++) {
                 // Replace img-tags with html-tags
                 if (file_exists(scriptPath . "/" . folderUploadedFiles . "/blog/img_" . $this->blog->id . "_" . $this->id . "_{$i}.jpg")) {
                     $size = GetImageSize(scriptPath . "/" . folderUploadedFiles . "/blog/img_" . $this->blog->id . "_" . $this->id . "_{$i}.jpg");
                     $this->summary = preg_replace("/\\<img{$i}\\>(.*?)\\<\\/img{$i}\\>/si", "<img name=\"img{$i}\" src=\"" . scriptUrl . "/" . folderUploadedFiles . "/blog/img_" . $this->blog->id . "_" . $this->id . "_{$i}.jpg\" {$size['3']} border=\"0\" alt=\"\$1\" title=\"\$1\" />", $this->summary);
                     $this->text = preg_replace("/\\<img{$i}\\>(.*?)\\<\\/img{$i}\\>/si", "<img name=\"img{$i}\" src=\"" . scriptUrl . "/" . folderUploadedFiles . "/blog/img_" . $this->blog->id . "_" . $this->id . "_{$i}.jpg\" {$size['3']} border=\"0\" alt=\"\$1\" title=\"\$1\" />", $this->text);
             // Free resultset
     } else {
         if (!empty($blogId)) {
             global $login;
             // Create blog object
             // Set posted to now
             $this->posted = mktime();
             // Set user to this user