Example #1
 protected function _toHtml()
     $helpBlock = $this->createBlock('HelpBlock')->setData(['content' => $this->__('<p>You should combine Magento Categories into groups to apply the Auto Add/Remove Rules. 
             You can create as many groups as you need, but one Magento Category can be used 
             only in one Rule.</p><br>
             <p>These Rules of automatic product adding and removal come into action when a Magento Product 
             is added to the Magento Category with regard to the Store View selected for the M2E Pro Listing.
             In other words, after a Magento Product is added to the selected Magento Category, 
             it can be automatically added to M2E Pro Listing if the settings are enabled.</p><br>
             <p>Accordingly, if a Magento Product present in the the M2E Pro Listing is removed from 
             the Magento Category, the Item will be removed from the Listing and its sale will be 
             stopped on Channel.</p><br>
             <p>More detailed information you can find <a href="%url%" target="_blank">here</a>.</p>', $this->getHelper('Module\\Support')->getDocumentationUrl(NULL, NULL, 'x/-QItAQ'))]);
     return $helpBlock->toHtml() . parent::_toHtml();