Example #1
use Mibew\Authentication\AuthenticationManager;
use Mibew\Cache\CacheFactory;
use Mibew\Mail\MailerFactory;
use Mibew\Routing\Router;
use Mibew\Routing\Loader\CacheLoader;
use Mibew\Routing\Loader\PluginLoader;
use Symfony\Component\Config\FileLocator;
use Symfony\Component\Config\Loader\LoaderResolver;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Loader\YamlFileLoader;
$configs = load_system_configs();
// Prepare the cache
$cache_factory = new CacheFactory($configs['cache']);
// For now directory for cache files cannot be changed via the configs file.
// TODO: Evaluate possibility of using custom cache directory.
$cache_factory->setOption('path', MIBEW_FS_ROOT . '/cache/stash');
// The main route loader which loads nothig but works as a cache proxy for other
// loaders.
$route_loader = new CacheLoader($cache_factory->getCache());
// Real loaders are attached via the resolver.
$loader_resolver = new LoaderResolver(array($route_loader, new YamlFileLoader(new FileLocator(array(MIBEW_FS_ROOT))), new PluginLoader()));
$router = new Router($route_loader, 'configs/routing.yml');
$application = new Application($router, new AuthenticationManager());
// Use custom config-dependent mailer factory
$application->setMailerFactory(new MailerFactory($configs['mailer']));
// Process request
$request = Request::createFromGlobals();
$response = $application->handleRequest($request);
// Send response to the user