Example #1
  * Do the real exporting
  * @return string The JSON dump of the items and categories
  * @throws AppExporterException
  * @since 2.0
 public function export()
     if (!($this->_application = $this->app->zoo->getApplication())) {
         throw new AppExporterException('No application selected.');
     // export frontpage
     $frontpage = $this->app->object->create('Category');
     $frontpage->name = 'Root';
     $frontpage->alias = '_root';
     $frontpage->description = $this->_application->description;
     // export categories
     $this->_categories = $this->_application->getCategories();
     $this->_categories[0] = $frontpage;
     foreach ($this->_categories as $category) {
     // export items
     $this->_comment_table = $this->app->table->comment;
     $item_table = $this->app->table->item;
     foreach ($this->_application->getTypes() as $type) {
         foreach ($item_table->getByType($type->id, $this->_application->id) as $key => $item) {
             $this->_addZooItem($item, $type);
     return parent::export();
Example #2
  * Returns type select list html string.
  * @param Application $application The Application object
  * @param array $options The options
  * @param string $name The html name
  * @param array|string $attribs The html attributes
  * @param string $key
  * @param string $text
  * @param string $selected The selected value
  * @param string $idtag
  * @param boolean $translate
  * @param array $filter The type filter
  * @return string the type select list html output
  * @since 2.0
 public function typeList($application, $options, $name, $attribs = null, $key = 'value', $text = 'text', $selected = null, $idtag = false, $translate = false, $filter = array())
     // set options
     settype($options, 'array');
     foreach ($application->getTypes() as $type) {
         if (empty($filter) || in_array($type->id, $filter)) {
             $options[] = $this->_('select.option', $type->id, JText::_($type->name));
     return $this->_('select.genericlist', $options, $name, $attribs, $key, $text, $selected, $idtag, $translate);
Example #3
 private static function _importItems(Application $application, $items_xml_array = array(), $element_assignment = array(), $types = array())
     // init vars
     $db = YDatabase::getInstance();
     $table = YTable::getInstance('item');
     $item_vars = array_keys(get_class_vars('Item'));
     $user_id = JFactory::getUser()->get('id');
     $app_types = $application->getTypes();
     $authors = new YArray(YDatabase::getInstance()->queryObjectList('SELECT id, username FROM #__users'));
     $items = array();
     foreach ($items_xml_array as $key => $items_xml) {
         $index = (string) $items_xml->attributes()->name;
         if (isset($types[$index]) && !empty($types[$index]) && ($type = $app_types[$types[$index]])) {
             $elements = $type->getElements();
             $traverse = true;
             while ($traverse) {
                 $traverse = false;
                 foreach ($items_xml->item as $item_xml) {
                     $traverse = true;
                     $item = new Item();
                     $item->old_alias = (string) $item_xml->attributes()->id;
                     $item->alias = YString::sluggify($item->old_alias);
                     $item->type = $type->id;
                     // set a valid category alias
                     while (ItemHelper::checkAliasExists($item->alias)) {
                         $item->alias .= '-2';
                     $db->query('INSERT INTO ' . ZOO_TABLE_ITEM . '(alias) VALUES (' . $db->quote($item->alias) . ')');
                     $item->id = $db->insertid();
                     // set item values
                     foreach ($item_xml->children() as $child) {
                         $name = $child->getName();
                         if (in_array($name, $item_vars)) {
                             $item->{$name} = (string) $child;
                     // store application id
                     $item->application_id = $application->id;
                     // store categories
                     $item->categories = array();
                     foreach ($item_xml->getElementsByPath('categories/category') as $category_xml) {
                         $item->categories[] = (string) $category_xml;
                     // store tags
                     $tags = array();
                     foreach ($item_xml->getElementsByPath('tags/tag') as $tag_xml) {
                         $tags[] = (string) $tag_xml;
                     // store author
                     $item->created_by_alias = "";
                     if ($item_xml->author) {
                         $author = (string) $item_xml->author;
                         $key = $authors->searchRecursive($author);
                         if ($key !== false) {
                             $item->created_by = (int) $authors[$key]->id;
                         } else {
                             $item->created_by_alias = $author;
                     // if author is unknown set current user as author
                     if (!$item->created_by) {
                         $item->created_by = $user_id;
                     // store modified_by
                     $item->modified_by = $user_id;
                     // store element_data
                     if ($data = $item_xml->data) {
                         $elements_xml = YXMLElement::create('elements');
                         $nodes_to_delete = array();
                         foreach ($data->children() as $key => $element_xml) {
                             $old_element_alias = (string) $element_xml->attributes()->identifier;
                             if (isset($element_assignment[$index][$old_element_alias][$type->id]) && ($element_alias = $element_assignment[$index][$old_element_alias][$type->id])) {
                                 $element_xml->addAttribute('identifier', $element_alias);
                             } else {
                                 $nodes_to_delete[] = $element_xml;
                         foreach ($nodes_to_delete as $node) {
                         $item->elements = $elements_xml->asXML(true, true);
                     // store metadata
                     $params = $item->getParams();
                     if ($metadata = $item_xml->metadata) {
                         foreach ($metadata->children() as $metadata_xml) {
                             $params->set('metadata.' . $metadata_xml->getName(), (string) $metadata_xml);
                     $item->params = $params->toString();
                     $items[$item->old_alias] = $item;
     // sanatize relateditems elements
     foreach ($items as $key => $item) {
         foreach ($item->getElements() as $element) {
             if ($element->getElementType() == 'relateditems') {
                 $relateditems = $element->getElementData()->get('item', array());
                 $new_related_items = array();
                 foreach ($relateditems as $key => $relateditem) {
                     if (isset($items[$relateditem])) {
                         $new_related_items[] = $items[$relateditem]->id;
                 $element->getElementData()->set('item', $new_related_items);
         try {
         } catch (YException $e) {
             JError::raiseNotice(0, JText::_('Error Importing Item') . ' (' . $e . ')');
     return $items;
Example #4
  * Imports the items
  * @param Application $application The Application object
  * @param array $items the items to import
  * @param array $element_assignment The element assignment array
  * @param array $types The selected types array
  * @param array $categories The category objects
  * @since 2.0
 private function _importItems(Application $application, $items = array(), $element_assignment = array(), $types = array(), $categories = array())
     // init vars
     $db = $this->app->database;
     $table = $this->app->table->item;
     $comment_table = $this->app->table->comment;
     $item_vars = array_keys(get_class_vars('Item'));
     $comment_vars = array_keys(get_class_vars('Comment'));
     $user_id = $this->app->user->get()->get('id');
     $app_types = $application->getTypes();
     $authors = $this->app->data->create($db->queryObjectList('SELECT id, username, name FROM #__users', 'id'));
     // disconnect from comment save event
     $this->app->event->dispatcher->disconnect('comment:saved', array('CommentEvent', 'saved'));
     $item_objects = array();
     foreach ($items as $alias => $item) {
         if (isset($item['group'], $types[$item['group']]) && !empty($types[$item['group']]) && ($type = $app_types[$types[$item['group']]])) {
             $item_obj = $this->app->object->create('Item');
             $item_obj->alias = $this->app->string->sluggify($alias);
             $item_obj->type = $type->id;
             // set a valid category alias
             $item_obj->alias = $this->app->alias->item->getUniqueAlias(0, $item_obj->alias);
             $db->query('INSERT INTO ' . $table->name . '(alias) VALUES (' . $db->quote($item_obj->alias) . ')');
             $item_obj->id = $db->insertid();
             // set item values
             foreach ($item as $property => $value) {
                 if (in_array($property, $item_vars)) {
                     $item_obj->{$property} = $value;
             // fix access if j16
             if ($this->app->joomla->version->isCompatible('1.6') && $item_obj->access == 0) {
                 $item_obj->access = $this->app->joomla->getDefaultAccess();
             // store application id
             $item_obj->application_id = $application->id;
             // store tags
             if (isset($item['tags'])) {
             // store author
             $item_obj->created_by_alias = "";
             if (isset($item['author'])) {
                 if ($key = $authors->searchRecursive($item['author'])) {
                     $item_obj->created_by = (int) $authors[$key]->id;
                 } else {
                     $item_obj->created_by_alias = $item['author'];
             // if author is unknown set current user as author
             if (!$item_obj->created_by) {
                 $item_obj->created_by = $user_id;
             // store modified_by
             $item_obj->modified_by = $user_id;
             // store element_data
             $item_obj->elements = $this->app->data->create();
             if (isset($item['elements'])) {
                 foreach ($item['elements'] as $old_element_alias => $element) {
                     if (isset($element['data']) && isset($element_assignment[$item['group']][$old_element_alias][$type->id]) && ($element_alias = $element_assignment[$item['group']][$old_element_alias][$type->id]) && ($element_obj = $item_obj->getElement($element_alias))) {
             // set metadata, content, config params
             $item_obj->getParams()->set('metadata.', @$item['metadata']);
             $item_obj->getParams()->set('content.', @$item['content']);
             $item_obj->getParams()->set('config.', @$item['config']);
             $item_objects[$alias] = $item_obj;
             // save item -> category relationship
             if (isset($item['categories'])) {
                 if (isset($item['config']['primary_category'], $categories[$item['config']['primary_category']])) {
                     $item_obj->getParams()->set('config.primary_category', $categories[$item['config']['primary_category']]->id);
                 } else {
                     if (isset($item['config']['primary_category']) && ($id = $this->app->alias->category->translateAliasToID($item['config']['primary_category']))) {
                         $item_obj->getParams()->set('config.primary_category', $id);
                 $item_categories = array();
                 foreach ($item['categories'] as $category_alias) {
                     if (isset($categories[$category_alias]) || $category_alias == '_root') {
                         $item_categories[] = $category_alias == '_root' ? 0 : (int) $categories[$category_alias]->id;
                     } else {
                         if ($id = $this->app->alias->category->translateAliasToID($category_alias)) {
                             $item_categories[] = $id;
                 if (!empty($item_categories)) {
                     $this->app->category->saveCategoryItemRelations($item_obj, $item_categories);
             // save comments
             if (isset($item['comments']) && is_array($item['comments'])) {
                 $comments = array();
                 foreach ($item['comments'] as $key => $comment) {
                     $comment_obj = $this->app->object->create('comment');
                     $comment_obj->item_id = $item_obj->id;
                     // set item values
                     foreach ($comment as $property => $value) {
                         if (in_array($property, $comment_vars)) {
                             $comment_obj->{$property} = $value;
                     if (isset($comment_obj->user_type) && $comment_obj->user_type == 'joomla') {
                         if (isset($comment['username']) && ($key = $authors->searchRecursive($comment['username']))) {
                             $comment_obj->user_id = (int) $authors[$key]->id;
                             $comment_obj->author = (string) $authors[$key]->name;
                         } else {
                             $comment_obj->user_id = $comment_obj->user_type = '';
                     $comments[$key] = $comment_obj;
                 // sanatize parent ids
                 foreach ($comments as $key => $comment) {
                     if ($comment->parent_id && isset($comments[$comment->parent_id])) {
                         $comment->parent_id = $comments[$comment->parent_id]->id;
     foreach ($item_objects as $item) {
         foreach ($item->getElements() as $element) {
             // sanatize relateditems elements
             if ($element->getElementType() == 'relateditems') {
                 $relateditems = $element->get('item', array());
                 $new_related_items = array();
                 foreach ($relateditems as $relateditem) {
                     if (isset($items[$relateditem])) {
                         $new_related_items[] = $item_objects[$relateditem]->id;
                 $element->set('item', $new_related_items);
                 // sanitize relatedcategories elements aliases
             } else {
                 if ($element->getElementType() == 'relatedcategories') {
                     $relatedcategories = $element->get('category', array());
                     $new_related_categories = array();
                     foreach ($relatedcategories as $relatedcategory) {
                         if (isset($categories[$relatedcategory])) {
                             $new_related_categories[] = $categories[$relatedcategory]->id;
                         } else {
                             if ($id = $this->app->alias->category->translateAliasToID($relatedcategory)) {
                                 $new_related_categories[] = $id;
                     $element->set('category', $new_related_categories);
         try {
         } catch (AppException $e) {
             $this->app->error->raiseNotice(0, JText::_('Error Importing Item') . ' (' . $e . ')');
     return $item_objects;