Example #1
File: apc.php Project: rohdoor/ehcp

include_once "adodb5/adodb.inc.php";
# adodb database abstraction layer.. hope database abstracted...
include_once "classapp.php";
# real application class
$app = new Application();
  | APC                                                                  |
  | Copyright (c) 2006-2011 The PHP Group                                |
  | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license,      |
  | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is        |
  | available through the world-wide-web at the following url:           |
  | http://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt                                  |
  | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to   |
  | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to          |
  | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately.               |
  | Authors: Ralf Becker <*****@*****.**>                               |
  |          Rasmus Lerdorf <*****@*****.**>                             |
  |          Ilia Alshanetsky <*****@*****.**>                         |
  All other licensing and usage conditions are those of the PHP Group.
$VERSION = '$Id: apc.php 307048 2011-01-03 23:53:17Z kalle $';
Example #2
function installsql()
    global $app, $ehcpinstalldir, $ip, $lang, $user_email, $user_name, $ehcpmysqlpass, $rootpass, $newrootpass, $ehcpadminpass;
    if ($newrootpass != '') {
        $tmprootpass = $newrootpass;
    } else {
        $tmprootpass = $rootpass;
    echo "extracting and importing sql to mysql:\n";
    # check if ehcp db already exists...
    $baglanti = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", $tmprootpass);
    $ret = mysqli_select_db($baglanti, "ehcp");
    if ($ret === true) {
        echo "seems to found old ehcp db..(will try to backup existing ehcp db with timestamp... )";
        echo "\nATTENTION ! EHCP DB WILL BE DROPPED IF EXISTS, EXIT NOW (by ctrl-C) if you don't want !\n\n";
        # backup any existing ehcp db, if any
        #$ehcpdb="ehcpbackup".date("YmdHis"); # disabled because gives error on some systems: Fatal error: date(): Timezone database is corrupt - this should *never* happen! in ...
        $ehcpdb = "ehcpbackup" . exec('date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S');
        passthru("cp -Rf /var/lib/mysql/ehcp /var/lib/mysql/{$ehcpdb}");
        passthru("chown -Rf mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql/{$ehcpdb}");
        #--end backup ehcp db
    # end check..
    # echo 'var_dump($ehcpmysqlpass,$rootpass,$newrootpass,$ehcpadminpass);\n';
    # var_dump($ehcpmysqlpass,$rootpass,$newrootpass,$ehcpadminpass);
    # burasi replace ile olacagina, writeoutput ile yapilabilir:
    replacelineinfile('$dbrootpass='******'{$tmprootpass}';", $ehcpinstalldir . "/config.php");
    replacelineinfile('$dbpass='******'{$ehcpmysqlpass}';", $ehcpinstalldir . "/config.php");
    if ($lang != 'en') {
        replacelineinfile('$defaultlanguage=', "\$defaultlanguage='{$lang}';", $ehcpinstalldir . "/config.php");
    $filecontent = "\n\tdrop database if exists ehcp;\n\tcreate database ehcp;\n\tgrant all privileges on ehcp.* to ehcp@'localhost' identified by '{$ehcpmysqlpass}' with grant option;\n\tgrant all privileges on ehcp.* to ehcp@'' identified by '{$ehcpmysqlpass}' with grant option;\n\tflush privileges;\n\t";
    if ($newrootpass != '') {
        # if we need to change root pass... in versions prior to 0.29, mysql root pass could be changed from within ehcp install.
        $filecontent .= "SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost'=PASSWORD('{$newrootpass}');";
    writeoutput($ehcpinstalldir . "/ehcp1.sql", $filecontent, "w");
    echo "executing: mysql -u root --password='******' < {$ehcpinstalldir}/ehcp1.sql \n ";
    passthru("mysql -u root --password='******' < {$ehcpinstalldir}/ehcp1.sql");
    # root pass changes here... if different , disabled
    echo "importing ehcp sql: \n";
    passthru("mysql -D ehcp -u root --password='******' < {$ehcpinstalldir}/ehcp.sql");
    # passthru("mysql -u root --password=$tmprootpass < $ehcpinstalldir/ehcp_html.sql"); # bu niye vardı tam hatırlamıyorum. heralde html iceren sql burdaydı...
    passthru("cp {$ehcpinstalldir}/config.php ./config.php");
    passthru("rm {$ehcpinstalldir}/ehcp1.sql");
    # removed for security, root pass was there..
    $app = new Application();
    $app->setConfigValue("ehcpdir", $ehcpinstalldir);
    $app->setConfigValue("dnsip", $ip);
    // this configures dns ip to be used by ehcp, may be changed if using another dns server
    $app->setConfigValue('adminname', $user_name);
    $app->setConfigValue('adminemail', $user_email);
    // set email to send info about ehcp install to installer(admin)...
    $app->executequery("UPDATE panelusers SET password=MD5('{$ehcpadminpass}'),email='{$user_email}' WHERE panelusername='******'");
    $app->commandline = true;