Example #1
 private function list_enabled_auth_plugins()
     $plugins = get_enabled_auth_plugins();
     echo "\nList of enabled auth plugins:\n\n";
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($plugins); $i++) {
         echo $i + 1 . ". " . $plugins[$i] . "\n";
Example #2
 function __logout()
     $authsequence = get_enabled_auth_plugins();
     // auths, in sequence
     foreach ($authsequence as $authname) {
         $authplugin = get_auth_plugin($authname);
Example #3
 public function execute()
     global $CFG;
     $action = $this->arguments[0];
     $pluginname = $this->arguments[1];
     // Does the authentication module exist?
     if (!exists_auth_plugin($pluginname)) {
         print_error('pluginnotinstalled', 'auth', '', $pluginname);
     // Get enabled plugins.
     $authsenabled = get_enabled_auth_plugins(true);
     if (empty($CFG->auth)) {
         $authsenabled = array();
     } else {
         $authsenabled = explode(',', $CFG->auth);
     switch ($action) {
         case 'disable':
             $key = array_search($pluginname, $authsenabled);
             if ($key !== false) {
                 set_config('auth', implode(',', $authsenabled));
         case 'down':
             $key = array_search($pluginname, $authsenabled);
             if ($key !== false && $key < count($authsenabled) - 1) {
                 $fsave = $authsenabled[$key];
                 $authsenabled[$key] = $authsenabled[$key + 1];
                 $authsenabled[$key + 1] = $fsave;
                 set_config('auth', implode(',', $authsenabled));
         case 'enable':
             if (!in_array($pluginname, $authsenabled)) {
                 $authsenabled[] = $pluginname;
                 $authsenabled = array_unique($authsenabled);
                 set_config('auth', implode(',', $authsenabled));
         case 'up':
             $key = array_search($pluginname, $authsenabled);
             if ($key !== false && $key >= 1) {
                 $fsave = $authsenabled[$key];
                 $authsenabled[$key] = $authsenabled[$key - 1];
                 $authsenabled[$key - 1] = $fsave;
                 set_config('auth', implode(',', $authsenabled));
     echo "Auth modules enabled: " . implode(',', $authsenabled) . "\n";
 public function __construct()
     global $CFG, $SESSION, $OUTPUT;
     // Get all alternative login methods and add to potentialipds array.
     $authsequence = get_enabled_auth_plugins(true);
     $potentialidps = [];
     foreach ($authsequence as $authname) {
         if (isset($SESSION->snapwantsurl)) {
             $urltogo = $SESSION->snapwantsurl;
         } else {
             $urltogo = $CFG->wwwroot . '/';
         $authplugin = get_auth_plugin($authname);
         $potentialidps = array_merge($potentialidps, $authplugin->loginpage_idp_list($urltogo));
     if (!empty($potentialidps)) {
         foreach ($potentialidps as $idp) {
             $this->potentialidps[] = (object) ['url' => $idp['url']->out(), 'name' => $idp['name'], 'icon' => $OUTPUT->pix_url($idp['icon']->pix)];
require_once '../../config.php';
require_once 'lib.php';
require_once $CFG->libdir . '/adminlib.php';
$confirm = optional_param('confirm', 0, PARAM_BOOL);
require_capability('moodle/user:update', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM));
$return = $CFG->wwwroot . '/' . $CFG->admin . '/user/user_bulk.php';
if (empty($SESSION->bulk_users)) {
echo $OUTPUT->header();
if ($confirm and confirm_sesskey()) {
    // only force password change if user may actually change the password
    $authsavailable = get_enabled_auth_plugins();
    $changeable = array();
    foreach ($authsavailable as $authplugin) {
        if (!($auth = get_auth_plugin($authplugin))) {
        if ($auth->is_internal() and $auth->can_change_password()) {
            $changeable[$authplugin] = true;
    $parts = array_chunk($SESSION->bulk_users, 300);
    foreach ($parts as $users) {
        list($in, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($users);
        if ($rs = $DB->get_recordset_select('user', "id {$in}", $params)) {
            foreach ($rs as $user) {
                if (!empty($changeable[$user->auth])) {
Example #6
  * Periodic timed-out session cleanup.
 public static function gc()
     global $CFG, $DB;
     // This may take a long time...
     $maxlifetime = $CFG->sessiontimeout;
     try {
         // Kill all sessions of deleted and suspended users without any hesitation.
         $rs = $DB->get_recordset_select('sessions', "userid IN (SELECT id FROM {user} WHERE deleted <> 0 OR suspended <> 0)", array(), 'id DESC', 'id, sid');
         foreach ($rs as $session) {
         // Kill sessions of users with disabled plugins.
         $auth_sequence = get_enabled_auth_plugins(true);
         $auth_sequence = array_flip($auth_sequence);
         // No login means user cannot login.
         $auth_sequence = array_flip($auth_sequence);
         list($notplugins, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($auth_sequence, SQL_PARAMS_QM, '', false);
         $rs = $DB->get_recordset_select('sessions', "userid IN (SELECT id FROM {user} WHERE auth {$notplugins})", $params, 'id DESC', 'id, sid');
         foreach ($rs as $session) {
         // Now get a list of time-out candidates - real users only.
         $sql = "SELECT u.*, s.sid, s.timecreated AS s_timecreated, s.timemodified AS s_timemodified\n                      FROM {user} u\n                      JOIN {sessions} s ON s.userid = u.id\n                     WHERE s.timemodified < :purgebefore AND u.id <> :guestid";
         $params = array('purgebefore' => time() - $maxlifetime, 'guestid' => $CFG->siteguest);
         $authplugins = array();
         foreach ($auth_sequence as $authname) {
             $authplugins[$authname] = get_auth_plugin($authname);
         $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params);
         foreach ($rs as $user) {
             foreach ($authplugins as $authplugin) {
                 /** @var \auth_plugin_base $authplugin*/
                 if ($authplugin->ignore_timeout_hook($user, $user->sid, $user->s_timecreated, $user->s_timemodified)) {
         // Delete expired sessions for guest user account, give them larger timeout, there is no security risk here.
         $params = array('purgebefore' => time() - $maxlifetime * 5, 'guestid' => $CFG->siteguest);
         $rs = $DB->get_recordset_select('sessions', 'userid = :guestid AND timemodified < :purgebefore', $params, 'id DESC', 'id, sid');
         foreach ($rs as $session) {
         // Delete expired sessions for userid = 0 (not logged in), better kill them asap to release memory.
         $params = array('purgebefore' => time() - $maxlifetime);
         $rs = $DB->get_recordset_select('sessions', 'userid = 0 AND timemodified < :purgebefore', $params, 'id DESC', 'id, sid');
         foreach ($rs as $session) {
         // Cleanup letfovers from the first browser access because it may set multiple cookies and then use only one.
         $params = array('purgebefore' => time() - 60 * 3);
         $rs = $DB->get_recordset_select('sessions', 'userid = 0 AND timemodified = timecreated AND timemodified < :purgebefore', $params, 'id ASC', 'id, sid');
         foreach ($rs as $session) {
     } catch (\Exception $ex) {
         debugging('Error gc-ing sessions: ' . $ex->getMessage(), DEBUG_NORMAL, $ex->getTrace());
Example #7
 * Cron functions.
 * @package    core
 * @subpackage admin
 * @copyright  1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas  http://dougiamas.com
 * @license    http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
function cron_run()
    global $DB, $CFG, $OUTPUT;
        echo "CLI maintenance mode active, cron execution suspended.\n";
    if (moodle_needs_upgrading()) {
        echo "Moodle upgrade pending, cron execution suspended.\n";
    require_once $CFG->libdir . '/adminlib.php';
    require_once $CFG->libdir . '/gradelib.php';
    if (!empty($CFG->showcronsql)) {
    if (!empty($CFG->showcrondebugging)) {
        $CFG->debug = DEBUG_DEVELOPER;
        $CFG->debugdisplay = true;
    $starttime = microtime();
    /// increase memory limit
    /// emulate normal session
    /// Start output log
    $timenow = time();
    mtrace("Server Time: " . date('r', $timenow) . "\n\n");
    /// Session gc
    mtrace("Cleaning up stale sessions");
    /// Run all cron jobs for each module
    mtrace("Starting activity modules");
    if ($mods = $DB->get_records_select("modules", "cron > 0 AND ((? - lastcron) > cron) AND visible = 1", array($timenow))) {
        foreach ($mods as $mod) {
            $libfile = "{$CFG->dirroot}/mod/{$mod->name}/lib.php";
            if (file_exists($libfile)) {
                include_once $libfile;
                $cron_function = $mod->name . "_cron";
                if (function_exists($cron_function)) {
                    mtrace("Processing module function {$cron_function} ...", '');
                    $pre_dbqueries = null;
                    $pre_dbqueries = $DB->perf_get_queries();
                    $pre_time = microtime(1);
                    if ($cron_function()) {
                        $DB->set_field("modules", "lastcron", $timenow, array("id" => $mod->id));
                    if (isset($pre_dbqueries)) {
                        mtrace("... used " . ($DB->perf_get_queries() - $pre_dbqueries) . " dbqueries");
                        mtrace("... used " . (microtime(1) - $pre_time) . " seconds");
                    /// Reset possible changes by modules to time_limit. MDL-11597
    mtrace("Finished activity modules");
    mtrace("Starting blocks");
    if ($blocks = $DB->get_records_select("block", "cron > 0 AND ((? - lastcron) > cron) AND visible = 1", array($timenow))) {
        // we will need the base class.
        require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/blocks/moodleblock.class.php';
        foreach ($blocks as $block) {
            $blockfile = $CFG->dirroot . '/blocks/' . $block->name . '/block_' . $block->name . '.php';
            if (file_exists($blockfile)) {
                require_once $blockfile;
                $classname = 'block_' . $block->name;
                $blockobj = new $classname();
                if (method_exists($blockobj, 'cron')) {
                    mtrace("Processing cron function for " . $block->name . '....', '');
                    if ($blockobj->cron()) {
                        $DB->set_field('block', 'lastcron', $timenow, array('id' => $block->id));
                    /// Reset possible changes by blocks to time_limit. MDL-11597
    mtrace('Finished blocks');
    //now do plagiarism checks
    require_once $CFG->libdir . '/plagiarismlib.php';
    mtrace("Starting quiz reports");
    if ($reports = $DB->get_records_select('quiz_report', "cron > 0 AND ((? - lastcron) > cron)", array($timenow))) {
        foreach ($reports as $report) {
            $cronfile = "{$CFG->dirroot}/mod/quiz/report/{$report->name}/cron.php";
            if (file_exists($cronfile)) {
                include_once $cronfile;
                $cron_function = 'quiz_report_' . $report->name . "_cron";
                if (function_exists($cron_function)) {
                    mtrace("Processing quiz report cron function {$cron_function} ...", '');
                    $pre_dbqueries = null;
                    $pre_dbqueries = $DB->perf_get_queries();
                    $pre_time = microtime(1);
                    if ($cron_function()) {
                        $DB->set_field('quiz_report', "lastcron", $timenow, array("id" => $report->id));
                    if (isset($pre_dbqueries)) {
                        mtrace("... used " . ($DB->perf_get_queries() - $pre_dbqueries) . " dbqueries");
                        mtrace("... used " . (microtime(1) - $pre_time) . " seconds");
    mtrace("Finished quiz reports");
    mtrace('Starting admin reports');
    // Admin reports do not have a database table that lists them. Instead a
    // report includes cron.php with function report_reportname_cron() if it wishes
    // to be cronned. It is up to cron.php to handle e.g. if it only needs to
    // actually do anything occasionally.
    $reports = get_plugin_list('report');
    foreach ($reports as $report => $reportdir) {
        $cronfile = $reportdir . '/cron.php';
        if (file_exists($cronfile)) {
            require_once $cronfile;
            $cronfunction = 'report_' . $report . '_cron';
            mtrace('Processing cron function for ' . $report . '...', '');
            $pre_dbqueries = null;
            $pre_dbqueries = $DB->perf_get_queries();
            $pre_time = microtime(true);
            if (isset($pre_dbqueries)) {
                mtrace("... used " . ($DB->perf_get_queries() - $pre_dbqueries) . " dbqueries");
                mtrace("... used " . round(microtime(true) - $pre_time, 2) . " seconds");
    mtrace('Finished admin reports');
    mtrace('Starting main gradebook job ...');
    mtrace('Starting processing the event queue...');
    if ($CFG->enablecompletion) {
        // Completion cron
        mtrace('Starting the completion cron...');
        require_once $CFG->libdir . '/completion/cron.php';
    if ($CFG->enableportfolios) {
        // Portfolio cron
        mtrace('Starting the portfolio cron...');
        require_once $CFG->libdir . '/portfoliolib.php';
    /// Run all core cron jobs, but not every time since they aren't too important.
    /// These don't have a timer to reduce load, so we'll use a random number
    /// to randomly choose the percentage of times we should run these jobs.
    srand((double) microtime() * 10000000);
    $random100 = rand(0, 100);
    if ($random100 < 20) {
        // Approximately 20% of the time.
        mtrace("Running clean-up tasks...");
        /// Delete users who haven't confirmed within required period
        if (!empty($CFG->deleteunconfirmed)) {
            $cuttime = $timenow - $CFG->deleteunconfirmed * 3600;
            $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql("SELECT id, firstname, lastname\n                                             FROM {user}\n                                            WHERE confirmed = 0 AND firstaccess > 0\n                                                  AND firstaccess < ?", array($cuttime));
            foreach ($rs as $user) {
                if ($DB->delete_records('user', array('id' => $user->id))) {
                    mtrace("Deleted unconfirmed user for " . fullname($user, true) . " ({$user->id})");
        /// Delete users who haven't completed profile within required period
        if (!empty($CFG->deleteincompleteusers)) {
            $cuttime = $timenow - $CFG->deleteincompleteusers * 3600;
            $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql("SELECT id, username\n                                             FROM {user}\n                                            WHERE confirmed = 1 AND lastaccess > 0\n                                                  AND lastaccess < ? AND deleted = 0\n                                                  AND (lastname = '' OR firstname = '' OR email = '')", array($cuttime));
            foreach ($rs as $user) {
                if (delete_user($user)) {
                    mtrace("Deleted not fully setup user {$user->username} ({$user->id})");
        /// Delete old logs to save space (this might need a timer to slow it down...)
        if (!empty($CFG->loglifetime)) {
            // value in days
            $loglifetime = $timenow - $CFG->loglifetime * 3600 * 24;
            if ($DB->delete_records_select("log", "time < ?", array($loglifetime))) {
                mtrace("Deleted old log records");
        // Delete old backup_controllers and logs
        if (!empty($CFG->loglifetime)) {
            // value in days
            $loglifetime = $timenow - $CFG->loglifetime * 3600 * 24;
            // Delete child records from backup_logs
            $DB->execute("DELETE FROM {backup_logs}\n                           WHERE EXISTS (\n                               SELECT 'x'\n                                 FROM {backup_controllers} bc\n                                WHERE bc.backupid = {backup_logs}.backupid\n                                  AND bc.timecreated < ?)", array($loglifetime));
            // Delete records from backup_controllers
            $DB->execute("DELETE FROM {backup_controllers}\n                          WHERE timecreated < ?", array($loglifetime));
            mtrace("Deleted old backup records");
        /// Delete old cached texts
        if (!empty($CFG->cachetext)) {
            // Defined in config.php
            $cachelifetime = time() - $CFG->cachetext - 60;
            // Add an extra minute to allow for really heavy sites
            if ($DB->delete_records_select('cache_text', "timemodified < ?", array($cachelifetime))) {
                mtrace("Deleted old cache_text records");
        if (!empty($CFG->notifyloginfailures)) {
            mtrace('Notified login failured');
        // generate new password emails for users
        mtrace('checking for create_password');
        if ($DB->count_records('user_preferences', array('name' => 'create_password', 'value' => '1'))) {
            mtrace('creating passwords for new users');
            $newusers = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT u.id as id, u.email, u.firstname,\n                                                     u.lastname, u.username,\n                                                     p.id as prefid\n                                                FROM {user} u\n                                                JOIN {user_preferences} p ON u.id=p.userid\n                                               WHERE p.name='create_password' AND p.value='1' AND u.email !='' ");
            foreach ($newusers as $newuserid => $newuser) {
                // email user
                if (setnew_password_and_mail($newuser)) {
                    // remove user pref
                    $DB->delete_records('user_preferences', array('id' => $newuser->prefid));
                } else {
                    trigger_error("Could not create and mail new user password!");
        if (!empty($CFG->usetags)) {
            require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/tag/lib.php';
            mtrace('Executed tag cron');
        // Accesslib stuff
        mtrace('Cleaned up contexts');
        mtrace('Cleaned cache flags');
        // If you suspect that the context paths are somehow corrupt
        // replace the line below with: build_context_path(true);
        mtrace('Built context paths');
        if (!empty($CFG->messagingdeletereadnotificationsdelay)) {
            $notificationdeletetime = time() - $CFG->messagingdeletereadnotificationsdelay;
            $DB->delete_records_select('message_read', 'notification=1 AND timeread<:notificationdeletetime', array('notificationdeletetime' => $notificationdeletetime));
            mtrace('Cleaned up read notifications');
        mtrace("Finished clean-up tasks...");
    // End of occasional clean-up tasks
    // Run automated backups if required.
    require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/backup/util/includes/backup_includes.php';
    require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/backup/util/helper/backup_cron_helper.class.php';
    /// Run the auth cron, if any
    /// before enrolments because it might add users that will be needed in enrol plugins
    $auths = get_enabled_auth_plugins();
    mtrace("Running auth crons if required...");
    foreach ($auths as $auth) {
        $authplugin = get_auth_plugin($auth);
        if (method_exists($authplugin, 'cron')) {
            mtrace("Running cron for auth/{$auth}...");
            if (!empty($authplugin->log)) {
    mtrace("Running enrol crons if required...");
    $enrols = enrol_get_plugins(true);
    foreach ($enrols as $ename => $enrol) {
        // do this for all plugins, disabled plugins might want to cleanup stuff such as roles
        if (!$enrol->is_cron_required()) {
        mtrace("Running cron for enrol_{$ename}...");
        $enrol->set_config('lastcron', time());
    if (!empty($CFG->enablestats) and empty($CFG->disablestatsprocessing)) {
        require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/lib/statslib.php';
        // check we're not before our runtime
        $timetocheck = stats_get_base_daily() + $CFG->statsruntimestarthour * 60 * 60 + $CFG->statsruntimestartminute * 60;
        if (time() > $timetocheck) {
            // process configured number of days as max (defaulting to 31)
            $maxdays = empty($CFG->statsruntimedays) ? 31 : abs($CFG->statsruntimedays);
            if (stats_cron_daily($maxdays)) {
                if (stats_cron_weekly()) {
                    if (stats_cron_monthly()) {
        } else {
            mtrace('Next stats run after:' . userdate($timetocheck));
    // run gradebook import/export/report cron
    if ($gradeimports = get_plugin_list('gradeimport')) {
        foreach ($gradeimports as $gradeimport => $plugindir) {
            if (file_exists($plugindir . '/lib.php')) {
                require_once $plugindir . '/lib.php';
                $cron_function = 'grade_import_' . $gradeimport . '_cron';
                if (function_exists($cron_function)) {
                    mtrace("Processing gradebook import function {$cron_function} ...", '');
    if ($gradeexports = get_plugin_list('gradeexport')) {
        foreach ($gradeexports as $gradeexport => $plugindir) {
            if (file_exists($plugindir . '/lib.php')) {
                require_once $plugindir . '/lib.php';
                $cron_function = 'grade_export_' . $gradeexport . '_cron';
                if (function_exists($cron_function)) {
                    mtrace("Processing gradebook export function {$cron_function} ...", '');
    if ($gradereports = get_plugin_list('gradereport')) {
        foreach ($gradereports as $gradereport => $plugindir) {
            if (file_exists($plugindir . '/lib.php')) {
                require_once $plugindir . '/lib.php';
                $cron_function = 'grade_report_' . $gradereport . '_cron';
                if (function_exists($cron_function)) {
                    mtrace("Processing gradebook report function {$cron_function} ...", '');
    // Run external blog cron if needed
    if ($CFG->useexternalblogs) {
        require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/blog/lib.php';
        mtrace("Fetching external blog entries...", '');
        $sql = "timefetched < ? OR timefetched = 0";
        $externalblogs = $DB->get_records_select('blog_external', $sql, array(mktime() - $CFG->externalblogcrontime));
        foreach ($externalblogs as $eb) {
    // Run blog associations cleanup
    if ($CFG->useblogassociations) {
        require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/blog/lib.php';
        // delete entries whose contextids no longer exists
        mtrace("Deleting blog associations linked to non-existent contexts...", '');
        $DB->delete_records_select('blog_association', 'contextid NOT IN (SELECT id FROM {context})');
    //Run registration updated cron
    mtrace(get_string('siteupdatesstart', 'hub'));
    require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/admin/registration/lib.php';
    $registrationmanager = new registration_manager();
    mtrace(get_string('siteupdatesend', 'hub'));
    // cleanup file trash
    $fs = get_file_storage();
    //cleanup old session linked tokens
    //deletes the session linked tokens that are over a day old.
    mtrace("Deleting session linked tokens more than one day old...", '');
    $DB->delete_records_select('external_tokens', 'lastaccess < :onedayago AND tokentype = :tokentype', array('onedayago' => time() - DAYSECS, 'tokentype' => EXTERNAL_TOKEN_EMBEDDED));
    // run any customized cronjobs, if any
    if ($locals = get_plugin_list('local')) {
        mtrace('Processing customized cron scripts ...', '');
        foreach ($locals as $local => $localdir) {
            if (file_exists("{$localdir}/cron.php")) {
                include "{$localdir}/cron.php";
    mtrace("Cron script completed correctly");
    $difftime = microtime_diff($starttime, microtime());
    mtrace("Execution took " . $difftime . " seconds");
Example #8
print_string("auth_saml_supportcourses_description", "auth_saml");

<tr valign="top">
    <td class="right"><?php 
print_string('auth_saml_syncusersfrom', 'auth_saml');
        <select name="syncusersfrom">
        <option name="none" value="">Disabled</option>
foreach (get_enabled_auth_plugins() as $name) {
    $plugin = get_auth_plugin($name);
    if (method_exists($plugin, 'sync_users')) {
        print '<option name="' . $name . '" value ="' . $name . '" ' . ($config->syncusersfrom == $name ? 'selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $name . '</option>';
print_string("auth_saml_syncusersfrom_description", "auth_saml");

<tr valign="top" class="required" id="samlcourses_tr" <?php 
Example #9
 * Specifies whether the CM system should link to a Jasper
 * reporting server
 * @return  boolean  true if applicable, otherwise false
function cm_jasper_link_enabled()
    $show_jasper_link = false;
    //check the necessary auth plugins
    $auths_enabled = get_enabled_auth_plugins();
    $mnet_auth_enabled = in_array('mnet', $auths_enabled);
    $elis_auth_enabled = in_array('elis', $auths_enabled);
    if ($mnet_auth_enabled && $elis_auth_enabled) {
        //check the necessary config data
        $jasper_shortname = get_config('auth/elis', 'jasper_shortname');
        $jasper_wwwroot = get_config('auth/elis', 'jasper_wwwroot');
        if ($jasper_shortname !== false && $jasper_wwwroot !== false) {
            //don't respond to bogus data
            $jasper_shortname = trim($jasper_shortname);
            $jasper_wwwroot = trim($jasper_wwwroot);
            if (strlen($jasper_shortname) > 0 && strlen($jasper_wwwroot) > 0) {
                $show_jasper_link = true;
    return $show_jasper_link;
Example #10
 * Authenticates a user against the chosen authentication mechanism
 * Given a username and password, this function looks them
 * up using the currently selected authentication mechanism,
 * and if the authentication is successful, it returns a
 * valid $user object from the 'user' table.
 * Uses auth_ functions from the currently active auth module
 * After authenticate_user_login() returns success, you will need to
 * log that the user has logged in, and call complete_user_login() to set
 * the session up.
 * Note: this function works only with non-mnet accounts!
 * @param string $username  User's username
 * @param string $password  User's password
 * @return user|flase A {@link $USER} object or false if error
function authenticate_user_login($username, $password)
    global $CFG, $DB;
    $authsenabled = get_enabled_auth_plugins();
    if ($user = get_complete_user_data('username', $username, $CFG->mnet_localhost_id)) {
        $auth = empty($user->auth) ? 'manual' : $user->auth;
        // use manual if auth not set
        if (!empty($user->suspended)) {
            add_to_log(SITEID, 'login', 'error', 'index.php', $username);
            error_log('[client ' . getremoteaddr() . "]  {$CFG->wwwroot}  Suspended Login:  {$username}  " . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
            return false;
        if ($auth == 'nologin' or !is_enabled_auth($auth)) {
            add_to_log(SITEID, 'login', 'error', 'index.php', $username);
            error_log('[client ' . getremoteaddr() . "]  {$CFG->wwwroot}  Disabled Login:  {$username}  " . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
            return false;
        $auths = array($auth);
    } else {
        // check if there's a deleted record (cheaply)
        if ($DB->get_field('user', 'id', array('username' => $username, 'deleted' => 1))) {
            error_log('[client ' . getremoteaddr() . "]  {$CFG->wwwroot}  Deleted Login:  {$username}  " . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
            return false;
        // User does not exist
        $auths = $authsenabled;
        $user = new stdClass();
        $user->id = 0;
    foreach ($auths as $auth) {
        $authplugin = get_auth_plugin($auth);
        // on auth fail fall through to the next plugin
        if (!$authplugin->user_login($username, $password)) {
        // successful authentication
        if ($user->id) {
            // User already exists in database
            if (empty($user->auth)) {
                // For some reason auth isn't set yet
                $DB->set_field('user', 'auth', $auth, array('username' => $username));
                $user->auth = $auth;
            if (empty($user->firstaccess)) {
                //prevent firstaccess from remaining 0 for manual account that never required confirmation
                $DB->set_field('user', 'firstaccess', $user->timemodified, array('id' => $user->id));
                $user->firstaccess = $user->timemodified;
            update_internal_user_password($user, $password);
            // just in case salt or encoding were changed (magic quotes too one day)
            if ($authplugin->is_synchronised_with_external()) {
                // update user record from external DB
                $user = update_user_record($username);
        } else {
            // if user not found, create him
            $user = create_user_record($username, $password, $auth);
        foreach ($authsenabled as $hau) {
            $hauth = get_auth_plugin($hau);
            $hauth->user_authenticated_hook($user, $username, $password);
        if (empty($user->id)) {
            return false;
        if (!empty($user->suspended)) {
            // just in case some auth plugin suspended account
            add_to_log(SITEID, 'login', 'error', 'index.php', $username);
            error_log('[client ' . getremoteaddr() . "]  {$CFG->wwwroot}  Suspended Login:  {$username}  " . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
            return false;
        return $user;
    // failed if all the plugins have failed
    add_to_log(SITEID, 'login', 'error', 'index.php', $username);
    if (debugging('', DEBUG_ALL)) {
        error_log('[client ' . getremoteaddr() . "]  {$CFG->wwwroot}  Failed Login:  {$username}  " . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
    return false;
// along with Moodle.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * @package    enrol_attributes
 * @author     Nicolas Dunand <*****@*****.**>
 * @copyright  2012-2015 Université de Lausanne (@link http://www.unil.ch}
 * @license    http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die;
if ($ADMIN->fulltree) {
    // 1. Default role
    $options = get_default_enrol_roles(context_system::instance());
    $student = get_archetype_roles('student');
    $student_role = array_shift($student);
    //    $settings->add(new admin_setting_heading('enrol_myunil_defaults', get_string('enrolinstancedefaults', 'admin'),
    //            ''));
    $settings->add(new admin_setting_configselect('enrol_attributes/default_roleid', get_string('defaultrole', 'enrol_attributes'), get_string('defaultrole_desc', 'enrol_attributes'), $student_role->id, $options));
    // 2. Fields to use in the selector
    $customfieldrecords = $DB->get_records('user_info_field');
    if ($customfieldrecords) {
        $customfields = [];
        foreach ($customfieldrecords as $customfieldrecord) {
            $customfields[$customfieldrecord->shortname] = $customfieldrecord->name;
        $settings->add(new admin_setting_configmultiselect('enrol_attributes/profilefields', get_string('profilefields', 'enrol_attributes'), get_string('profilefields_desc', 'enrol_attributes'), [], $customfields));
    // 3. Fields to update via Shibboleth login
    if (in_array('shibboleth', get_enabled_auth_plugins())) {
        $settings->add(new admin_setting_configtextarea('enrol_attributes/mappings', get_string('mappings', 'enrol_attributes'), get_string('mappings_desc', 'enrol_attributes'), '', PARAM_TEXT, 60, 10));
Example #12
     * Return XHTML to display control
     * @param mixed $data Unused
     * @param string $query
     * @return string highlight
    public function output_html($data, $query='') {
        global $CFG, $OUTPUT, $DB;

        // display strings
        $txt = get_strings(array('authenticationplugins', 'users', 'administration',
            'settings', 'edit', 'name', 'enable', 'disable',
            'up', 'down', 'none', 'users'));
        $txt->updown = "$txt->up/$txt->down";
        $txt->uninstall = get_string('uninstallplugin', 'core_admin');
        $txt->testsettings = get_string('testsettings', 'core_auth');

        $authsavailable = core_component::get_plugin_list('auth');
        get_enabled_auth_plugins(true); // fix the list of enabled auths
        if (empty($CFG->auth)) {
            $authsenabled = array();
        } else {
            $authsenabled = explode(',', $CFG->auth);

        // construct the display array, with enabled auth plugins at the top, in order
        $displayauths = array();
        $registrationauths = array();
        $registrationauths[''] = $txt->disable;
        $authplugins = array();
        foreach ($authsenabled as $auth) {
            $authplugin = get_auth_plugin($auth);
            $authplugins[$auth] = $authplugin;
            /// Get the auth title (from core or own auth lang files)
            $authtitle = $authplugin->get_title();
            /// Apply titles
            $displayauths[$auth] = $authtitle;
            if ($authplugin->can_signup()) {
                $registrationauths[$auth] = $authtitle;

        foreach ($authsavailable as $auth => $dir) {
            if (array_key_exists($auth, $displayauths)) {
                continue; //already in the list
            $authplugin = get_auth_plugin($auth);
            $authplugins[$auth] = $authplugin;
            /// Get the auth title (from core or own auth lang files)
            $authtitle = $authplugin->get_title();
            /// Apply titles
            $displayauths[$auth] = $authtitle;
            if ($authplugin->can_signup()) {
                $registrationauths[$auth] = $authtitle;

        $return = $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('actauthhdr', 'auth'), 3, 'main');
        $return .= $OUTPUT->box_start('generalbox authsui');

        $table = new html_table();
        $table->head  = array($txt->name, $txt->users, $txt->enable, $txt->updown, $txt->settings, $txt->testsettings, $txt->uninstall);
        $table->colclasses = array('leftalign', 'centeralign', 'centeralign', 'centeralign', 'centeralign', 'centeralign', 'centeralign');
        $table->data  = array();
        $table->attributes['class'] = 'admintable generaltable';
        $table->id = 'manageauthtable';

        //add always enabled plugins first
        $displayname = $displayauths['manual'];
        $settings = "<a href=\"auth_config.php?auth=manual\">{$txt->settings}</a>";
        //$settings = "<a href=\"settings.php?section=authsettingmanual\">{$txt->settings}</a>";
        $usercount = $DB->count_records('user', array('auth'=>'manual', 'deleted'=>0));
        $table->data[] = array($displayname, $usercount, '', '', $settings, '', '');
        $displayname = $displayauths['nologin'];
        $settings = "<a href=\"auth_config.php?auth=nologin\">{$txt->settings}</a>";
        $usercount = $DB->count_records('user', array('auth'=>'nologin', 'deleted'=>0));
        $table->data[] = array($displayname, $usercount, '', '', $settings, '', '');

        // iterate through auth plugins and add to the display table
        $updowncount = 1;
        $authcount = count($authsenabled);
        $url = "auth.php?sesskey=" . sesskey();
        foreach ($displayauths as $auth => $name) {
            if ($auth == 'manual' or $auth == 'nologin') {
            $class = '';
            // hide/show link
            if (in_array($auth, $authsenabled)) {
                $hideshow = "<a href=\"$url&amp;action=disable&amp;auth=$auth\">";
                $hideshow .= "<img src=\"" . $OUTPUT->pix_url('t/hide') . "\" class=\"iconsmall\" alt=\"disable\" /></a>";
                // $hideshow = "<a href=\"$url&amp;action=disable&amp;auth=$auth\"><input type=\"checkbox\" checked /></a>";
                $enabled = true;
                $displayname = $name;
            else {
                $hideshow = "<a href=\"$url&amp;action=enable&amp;auth=$auth\">";
                $hideshow .= "<img src=\"" . $OUTPUT->pix_url('t/show') . "\" class=\"iconsmall\" alt=\"enable\" /></a>";
                // $hideshow = "<a href=\"$url&amp;action=enable&amp;auth=$auth\"><input type=\"checkbox\" /></a>";
                $enabled = false;
                $displayname = $name;
                $class = 'dimmed_text';

            $usercount = $DB->count_records('user', array('auth'=>$auth, 'deleted'=>0));

            // up/down link (only if auth is enabled)
            $updown = '';
            if ($enabled) {
                if ($updowncount > 1) {
                    $updown .= "<a href=\"$url&amp;action=up&amp;auth=$auth\">";
                    $updown .= "<img src=\"" . $OUTPUT->pix_url('t/up') . "\" alt=\"up\" class=\"iconsmall\" /></a>&nbsp;";
                else {
                    $updown .= "<img src=\"" . $OUTPUT->pix_url('spacer') . "\" class=\"iconsmall\" alt=\"\" />&nbsp;";
                if ($updowncount < $authcount) {
                    $updown .= "<a href=\"$url&amp;action=down&amp;auth=$auth\">";
                    $updown .= "<img src=\"" . $OUTPUT->pix_url('t/down') . "\" alt=\"down\" class=\"iconsmall\" /></a>";
                else {
                    $updown .= "<img src=\"" . $OUTPUT->pix_url('spacer') . "\" class=\"iconsmall\" alt=\"\" />";
                ++ $updowncount;

            // settings link
            if (file_exists($CFG->dirroot.'/auth/'.$auth.'/settings.php')) {
                $settings = "<a href=\"settings.php?section=authsetting$auth\">{$txt->settings}</a>";
            } else {
                $settings = "<a href=\"auth_config.php?auth=$auth\">{$txt->settings}</a>";

            // Uninstall link.
            $uninstall = '';
            if ($uninstallurl = core_plugin_manager::instance()->get_uninstall_url('auth_'.$auth, 'manage')) {
                $uninstall = html_writer::link($uninstallurl, $txt->uninstall);

            $test = '';
            if (!empty($authplugins[$auth]) and method_exists($authplugins[$auth], 'test_settings')) {
                $testurl = new moodle_url('/auth/test_settings.php', array('auth'=>$auth, 'sesskey'=>sesskey()));
                $test = html_writer::link($testurl, $txt->testsettings);

            // Add a row to the table.
            $row = new html_table_row(array($displayname, $usercount, $hideshow, $updown, $settings, $test, $uninstall));
            if ($class) {
                $row->attributes['class'] = $class;
            $table->data[] = $row;
        $return .= html_writer::table($table);
        $return .= get_string('configauthenticationplugins', 'admin').'<br />'.get_string('tablenosave', 'filters');
        $return .= $OUTPUT->box_end();
        return highlight($query, $return);
function RWSPCReqs()
    global $RWSESL3;
    global $RWSCRURL;
    $r_rwc = RWSGSOpt("rwscas", PARAM_ALPHANUM);
    if ($r_rwc === false || strlen($r_rwc) == 0) {
    if ($r_rwc != "1" && $r_rwc != "2" && $r_rwc != "3") {
    $r_ver = RWSGSOpt("version", PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT);
    if ($r_ver === false || strlen($r_ver) == 0) {
    $r_rwu = RWSGSOpt("rwsuser", PARAM_RAW);
    if ($r_rwu === false || strlen($r_rwu) == 0) {
    $r_rwp = RWSGSOpt("rwspass", PARAM_RAW);
    if ($r_rwp === false || strlen($r_rwp) == 0) {
    $r_tkt = RWSGSOpt("ticket", PARAM_RAW);
    if ($r_tkt === false || strlen($r_tkt) == 0) {
    $r_pid = RWSGSOpt("pgtId", PARAM_RAW);
    if ($r_pid === false || strlen($r_pid) == 0) {
    $r_piou = RWSGSOpt("pgtIou", PARAM_RAW);
    if ($r_piou === false || strlen($r_piou) == 0) {
    $r_aus = get_enabled_auth_plugins();
    foreach ($r_aus as $r_aun) {
        $r_aup = get_auth_plugin($r_aun);
        if (strcasecmp($r_aup->authtype, RWSCAS) == 0) {
            $r_csp = $r_aup;
    if (!isset($r_csp)) {
    if (empty($r_csp->config->hostname)) {
    list($r_v1, $r_v2, $r_v3) = explode(".", phpCAS::getVersion());
    if ($r_rwc == "1") {
        if (isset($r_tkt)) {
            echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\r\n";
            echo "<rwscas>\r\n";
            echo "\t<st>";
            echo utf8_encode(htmlspecialchars(trim($r_tkt)));
            echo "\t</st>\r\n";
            echo "</rwscas>\r\n";
        } else {
            if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "GET") {
                $r_ok = phpCAS::checkAuthentication();
                if (!isset($r_rwu)) {
                    $r_rwu = phpCAS::getUser();
                if (!isset($r_rwp)) {
                    $r_rwp = "passwdCas";
                RWSLIMUser($r_rwu, $r_rwp, $r_ok);
            } else {
                if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST") {
                    $r_psd = urldecode(file_get_contents("php://input"));
                    if (stripos($r_psd, "<samlp:LogoutRequest ") !== false) {
    } else {
        if ($r_rwc == "2") {
            if (isset($r_pid) && isset($r_piou)) {
                if ($r_csp->config->proxycas) {
            } else {
                if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST") {
                    $r_psd = urldecode(file_get_contents("php://input"));
                    if (stripos($r_psd, "<samlp:LogoutRequest ") !== false) {
        } else {
            if ($r_rwc == "3") {
                if (isset($r_tkt)) {
                    if (strlen($RWSCRURL) > 0) {
                        $r_svu = $RWSCRURL;
                    } else {
                        $r_svu = RWSGSUrl(false, false);
                    $r_svu .= "?rwscas=1";
                    if (isset($r_ver)) {
                        $r_svu .= "&version=";
                        $r_svu .= urlencode($r_ver);
                    if (isset($r_rwu)) {
                        $r_svu .= "&rwsuser="******"&rwspass="******"?rwscas=2";
                        if (isset($r_ver)) {
                            $r_cbu .= "&version=";
                            $r_cbu .= urlencode($r_ver);
                        if (isset($r_rwu)) {
                            $r_cbu .= "&rwsuser="******"&rwspass="******"2008");
Example #14
 public static function process_login(\core\event\user_loggedin $event)
     global $CFG, $DB;
     // we just received the event from the authentication system; check if well-formed:
     if (!$event->userid) {
         // didn't get an user ID, return as there is nothing we can do
         return true;
     if (in_array('shibboleth', get_enabled_auth_plugins()) && $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] == $CFG->dirroot . '/auth/shibboleth/index.php') {
         // we did get this event from the Shibboleth authentication plugin,
         // so let's try to make the relevant mappings, ensuring that necessary profile fields exist and Shibboleth attributes are provided:
         $customfieldrecords = $DB->get_records('user_info_field');
         $customfields = array();
         foreach ($customfieldrecords as $customfieldrecord) {
             $customfields[] = $customfieldrecord->shortname;
         $mapping = array();
         $mappings_str = explode("\n", str_replace("\r", '', get_config('enrol_attributes', 'mappings')));
         foreach ($mappings_str as $mapping_str) {
             if (preg_match('/^\\s*([^: ]+)\\s*:\\s*([^: ]+)\\s*$/', $mapping_str, $matches) && in_array($matches[2], $customfields) && array_key_exists($matches[1], $_SERVER)) {
                 $mapping[$matches[1]] = $matches[2];
         if (count($mapping)) {
             // now update user profile data from Shibboleth params received as part of the event:
             $user = $DB->get_record('user', ['id' => $event->userid], '*', MUST_EXIST);
             foreach ($mapping as $shibattr => $fieldname) {
                 if (isset($_SERVER[$shibattr])) {
                     $propertyname = 'profile_field_' . $fieldname;
                     $user->{$propertyname} = $_SERVER[$shibattr];
             require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/user/profile/lib.php';
     // last, process the actual enrolments, whether we're using Shibboleth authentication or not:
Example #15
 function get_content()
     global $USER, $CFG, $SESSION, $OUTPUT;
     require_once $CFG->libdir . '/authlib.php';
     $wwwroot = '';
     $signup = '';
     if ($this->content !== NULL) {
         return $this->content;
     if (empty($CFG->loginhttps)) {
         $wwwroot = $CFG->wwwroot;
     } else {
         // This actually is not so secure ;-), 'cause we're
         // in unencrypted connection...
         $wwwroot = str_replace("http://", "https://", $CFG->wwwroot);
     if (signup_is_enabled()) {
         $signup = $wwwroot . '/login/signup.php';
     // TODO: now that we have multiauth it is hard to find out if there is a way to change password
     $forgot = $wwwroot . '/login/forgot_password.php';
     if (!empty($CFG->loginpasswordautocomplete)) {
         $autocomplete = 'autocomplete="off"';
     } else {
         $autocomplete = '';
     $username = get_moodle_cookie();
     $this->content = new stdClass();
     $this->content->footer = '';
     $this->content->text = '';
     if (!isloggedin() or isguestuser()) {
         // Show the block
         if (empty($CFG->authloginviaemail)) {
             $strusername = get_string('username');
         } else {
             $strusername = get_string('usernameemail');
         $this->content->text .= "\n" . '<form class="loginform" id="login" method="post" action="' . get_login_url() . '" ' . $autocomplete . '>';
         $this->content->text .= '<div class="form-group"><label for="login_username">' . $strusername . '</label>';
         $this->content->text .= '<input type="text" name="username" id="login_username" class="form-control" value="' . s($username) . '" /></div>';
         $this->content->text .= '<div class="form-group"><label for="login_password">' . get_string('password') . '</label>';
         $this->content->text .= '<input type="password" name="password" id="login_password" class="form-control" value="" ' . $autocomplete . ' /></div>';
         if (isset($CFG->rememberusername) and $CFG->rememberusername == 2) {
             $checked = $username ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
             $this->content->text .= '<div class="form-check">';
             $this->content->text .= '<label class="form-check-label">';
             $this->content->text .= '<input type="checkbox" name="rememberusername" id="rememberusername"
                     class="form-check-input" value="1" ' . $checked . '/> ';
             $this->content->text .= get_string('rememberusername', 'admin') . '</label>';
             $this->content->text .= '</div>';
         $this->content->text .= '<div class="form-group">';
         $this->content->text .= '<input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-block" value="' . get_string('login') . '" />';
         $this->content->text .= '</div>';
         $this->content->text .= "</form>\n";
         if (!empty($signup)) {
             $this->content->text .= '<div><a href="' . $signup . '">' . get_string('startsignup') . '</a></div>';
         if (!empty($forgot)) {
             $this->content->text .= '<div><a href="' . $forgot . '">' . get_string('forgotaccount') . '</a></div>';
         $authsequence = get_enabled_auth_plugins(true);
         // Get all auths, in sequence.
         $potentialidps = array();
         foreach ($authsequence as $authname) {
             $authplugin = get_auth_plugin($authname);
             $potentialidps = array_merge($potentialidps, $authplugin->loginpage_idp_list($this->page->url->out(false)));
         if (!empty($potentialidps)) {
             $this->content->text .= '<div class="potentialidps">';
             $this->content->text .= '<h6>' . get_string('potentialidps', 'auth') . '</h6>';
             $this->content->text .= '<div class="potentialidplist">';
             foreach ($potentialidps as $idp) {
                 $this->content->text .= '<div class="potentialidp"><a href="' . $idp['url']->out() . '" title="' . s($idp['name']) . '">';
                 $this->content->text .= $OUTPUT->render($idp['icon'], $idp['name']) . s($idp['name']) . '</a></div>';
             $this->content->text .= '</div>';
             $this->content->text .= '</div>';
     return $this->content;
Example #16
 * Returns list of auth plugins that are enabled and known to work.
function uu_allowed_auths()
    global $CFG;
    // only following plugins are guaranteed to work properly
    // TODO: add support for more plguins in 2.0
    $whitelist = array('manual', 'nologin', 'none', 'email');
    $plugins = get_enabled_auth_plugins();
    $choices = array();
    foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
        $choices[$plugin] = auth_get_plugin_title($plugin);
    return $choices;
 * Authenticates a user against the chosen authentication mechanism
 * Given a username and password, this function looks them
 * up using the currently selected authentication mechanism,
 * and if the authentication is successful, it returns a
 * valid $user object from the 'user' table.
 * Uses auth_ functions from the currently active auth module
 * After authenticate_user_login() returns success, you will need to
 * log that the user has logged in, and call complete_user_login() to set
 * the session up.
 * Note: this function works only with non-mnet accounts!
 * @param string $username  User's username
 * @param string $password  User's password
 * @param bool $ignorelockout useful when guessing is prevented by other mechanism such as captcha or SSO
 * @param int $failurereason login failure reason, can be used in renderers (it may disclose if account exists)
 * @return stdClass|false A {@link $USER} object or false if error
function authenticate_user_login($username, $password, $ignorelockout = false, &$failurereason = null)
    global $CFG, $DB;
    require_once "{$CFG->libdir}/authlib.php";
    $authsenabled = get_enabled_auth_plugins();
    if ($user = get_complete_user_data('username', $username, $CFG->mnet_localhost_id)) {
        // Use manual if auth not set.
        $auth = empty($user->auth) ? 'manual' : $user->auth;
        if (!empty($user->suspended)) {
            add_to_log(SITEID, 'login', 'error', 'index.php', $username);
            error_log('[client ' . getremoteaddr() . "]  {$CFG->wwwroot}  Suspended Login:  {$username}  " . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
            $failurereason = AUTH_LOGIN_SUSPENDED;
            return false;
        if ($auth == 'nologin' or !is_enabled_auth($auth)) {
            add_to_log(SITEID, 'login', 'error', 'index.php', $username);
            error_log('[client ' . getremoteaddr() . "]  {$CFG->wwwroot}  Disabled Login:  {$username}  " . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
            // Legacy way to suspend user.
            $failurereason = AUTH_LOGIN_SUSPENDED;
            return false;
        $auths = array($auth);
    } else {
        // Check if there's a deleted record (cheaply), this should not happen because we mangle usernames in delete_user().
        if ($DB->get_field('user', 'id', array('username' => $username, 'mnethostid' => $CFG->mnet_localhost_id, 'deleted' => 1))) {
            error_log('[client ' . getremoteaddr() . "]  {$CFG->wwwroot}  Deleted Login:  {$username}  " . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
            $failurereason = AUTH_LOGIN_NOUSER;
            return false;
        // Do not try to authenticate non-existent accounts when user creation is not disabled.
        if (!empty($CFG->authpreventaccountcreation)) {
            add_to_log(SITEID, 'login', 'error', 'index.php', $username);
            error_log('[client ' . getremoteaddr() . "]  {$CFG->wwwroot}  Unknown user, can not create new accounts:  {$username}  " . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
            $failurereason = AUTH_LOGIN_NOUSER;
            return false;
        // User does not exist.
        $auths = $authsenabled;
        $user = new stdClass();
        $user->id = 0;
    if ($ignorelockout) {
        // Some other mechanism protects against brute force password guessing, for example login form might include reCAPTCHA
        // or this function is called from a SSO script.
    } else {
        if ($user->id) {
            // Verify login lockout after other ways that may prevent user login.
            if (login_is_lockedout($user)) {
                add_to_log(SITEID, 'login', 'error', 'index.php', $username);
                error_log('[client ' . getremoteaddr() . "]  {$CFG->wwwroot}  Login lockout:  {$username}  " . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
                $failurereason = AUTH_LOGIN_LOCKOUT;
                return false;
        } else {
            // We can not lockout non-existing accounts.
    foreach ($auths as $auth) {
        $authplugin = get_auth_plugin($auth);
        // On auth fail fall through to the next plugin.
        if (!$authplugin->user_login($username, $password)) {
        // Successful authentication.
        if ($user->id) {
            // User already exists in database.
            if (empty($user->auth)) {
                // For some reason auth isn't set yet.
                $DB->set_field('user', 'auth', $auth, array('username' => $username));
                $user->auth = $auth;
            // If the existing hash is using an out-of-date algorithm (or the legacy md5 algorithm), then we should update to
            // the current hash algorithm while we have access to the user's password.
            update_internal_user_password($user, $password);
            if ($authplugin->is_synchronised_with_external()) {
                // Update user record from external DB.
                $user = update_user_record($username);
        } else {
            // Create account, we verified above that user creation is allowed.
            $user = create_user_record($username, $password, $auth);
        foreach ($authsenabled as $hau) {
            $hauth = get_auth_plugin($hau);
            $hauth->user_authenticated_hook($user, $username, $password);
        if (empty($user->id)) {
            $failurereason = AUTH_LOGIN_NOUSER;
            return false;
        if (!empty($user->suspended)) {
            // Just in case some auth plugin suspended account.
            add_to_log(SITEID, 'login', 'error', 'index.php', $username);
            error_log('[client ' . getremoteaddr() . "]  {$CFG->wwwroot}  Suspended Login:  {$username}  " . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
            $failurereason = AUTH_LOGIN_SUSPENDED;
            return false;
        $failurereason = AUTH_LOGIN_OK;
        return $user;
    // Failed if all the plugins have failed.
    add_to_log(SITEID, 'login', 'error', 'index.php', $username);
    if (debugging('', DEBUG_ALL)) {
        error_log('[client ' . getremoteaddr() . "]  {$CFG->wwwroot}  Failed Login:  {$username}  " . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
    if ($user->id) {
        $failurereason = AUTH_LOGIN_FAILED;
    } else {
        $failurereason = AUTH_LOGIN_NOUSER;
    return false;
Example #18
 public function handler_read($sid)
     global $CFG;
     if ($this->record and $this->record->sid != $sid) {
         error_log('Weird error reading database session - mismatched sid');
         return '';
     try {
         if ($record = $this->database->get_record('sessions', array('sid' => $sid))) {
         } else {
             $record = new stdClass();
             $record->state = 0;
             $record->sid = $sid;
             $record->sessdata = null;
             $record->userid = 0;
             $record->timecreated = $record->timemodified = time();
             $record->firstip = $record->lastip = getremoteaddr();
             $record->id = $this->database->insert_record_raw('sessions', $record);
     } catch (dml_exception $ex) {
         error_log('Can not read or insert database sessions');
         return '';
     // verify timeout
     if ($record->timemodified + $CFG->sessiontimeout < time()) {
         $ignoretimeout = false;
         if (!empty($record->userid)) {
             // skips not logged in
             if ($user = $this->database->get_record('user', array('id' => $record->userid))) {
                 if (!isguestuser($user)) {
                     $authsequence = get_enabled_auth_plugins();
                     // auths, in sequence
                     foreach ($authsequence as $authname) {
                         $authplugin = get_auth_plugin($authname);
                         if ($authplugin->ignore_timeout_hook($user, $record->sid, $record->timecreated, $record->timemodified)) {
                             $ignoretimeout = true;
         if ($ignoretimeout) {
             //refresh session
             $record->timemodified = time();
             try {
                 $this->database->update_record('sessions', $record);
             } catch (dml_exception $ex) {
                 error_log('Can not refresh database session');
                 return '';
         } else {
             //time out session
             $record->state = 0;
             $record->sessdata = null;
             $record->userid = 0;
             $record->timecreated = $record->timemodified = time();
             $record->firstip = $record->lastip = getremoteaddr();
             try {
                 $this->database->update_record('sessions', $record);
             } catch (dml_exception $ex) {
                 error_log('Can not time out database session');
                 return '';
     $data = is_null($record->sessdata) ? '' : base64_decode($record->sessdata);
     // conserve memory
     $this->record = $record;
     return $data;
Example #19
 * Given a username and password, this function looks them
 * up using the currently selected authentication mechanism,
 * and if the authentication is successful, it returns a
 * valid $user object from the 'user' table.
 * Uses auth_ functions from the currently active auth module
 * After authenticate_user_login() returns success, you will need to
 * log that the user has logged in, and call complete_user_login() to set
 * the session up.
 * @uses $CFG
 * @param string $username  User's username (with system magic quotes)
 * @param string $password  User's password (with system magic quotes)
 * @return user|flase A {@link $USER} object or false if error
function authenticate_user_login($username, $password)
    global $CFG;
    $authsenabled = get_enabled_auth_plugins();
    if ($user = get_complete_user_data('username', $username)) {
        $auth = empty($user->auth) ? 'manual' : $user->auth;
        // use manual if auth not set
        if ($auth == 'nologin' or !is_enabled_auth($auth)) {
            add_to_log(0, 'login', 'error', 'index.php', $username);
            error_log('[client ' . getremoteaddr() . "]  {$CFG->wwwroot}  Disabled Login:  {$username}  " . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
            return false;
        $auths = array($auth);
    } else {
        // check if there's a deleted record (cheaply)
        if (get_field('user', 'id', 'username', $username, 'deleted', 1, '')) {
            error_log('[client ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "]  {$CFG->wwwroot}  Deleted Login:  {$username}  " . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
            return false;
        $auths = $authsenabled;
        $user = new object();
        $user->id = 0;
        // User does not exist
    foreach ($auths as $auth) {
        $authplugin = get_auth_plugin($auth);
        // on auth fail fall through to the next plugin
        if (!$authplugin->user_login($username, $password)) {
        // successful authentication
        if ($user->id) {
            // User already exists in database
            if (empty($user->auth)) {
                // For some reason auth isn't set yet
                set_field('user', 'auth', $auth, 'username', $username);
                $user->auth = $auth;
            if (empty($user->firstaccess)) {
                //prevent firstaccess from remaining 0 for manual account that never required confirmation
                set_field('user', 'firstaccess', $user->timemodified, 'id', $user->id);
                $user->firstaccess = $user->timemodified;
            update_internal_user_password($user, $password);
            // just in case salt or encoding were changed (magic quotes too one day)
            if (!$authplugin->is_internal()) {
                // update user record from external DB
                $user = update_user_record($username, get_auth_plugin($user->auth));
        } else {
            // if user not found, create him
            $user = create_user_record($username, $password, $auth);
        foreach ($authsenabled as $hau) {
            $hauth = get_auth_plugin($hau);
            $hauth->user_authenticated_hook($user, $username, $password);
        /// Log in to a second system if necessary
        /// NOTICE: /sso/ will be moved to auth and deprecated soon; use user_authenticated_hook() instead
        if (!empty($CFG->sso)) {
            include_once $CFG->dirroot . '/sso/' . $CFG->sso . '/lib.php';
            if (function_exists('sso_user_login')) {
                if (!sso_user_login($username, $password)) {
                    // Perform the signon process
                    notify('Second sign-on failed');
        if ($user->id === 0) {
            return false;
        return $user;
    // failed if all the plugins have failed
    add_to_log(0, 'login', 'error', 'index.php', $username);
    if (debugging('', DEBUG_ALL)) {
        error_log('[client ' . getremoteaddr() . "]  {$CFG->wwwroot}  Failed Login:  {$username}  " . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
    return false;
  * Do the job.
  * Throw exceptions on errors (the job will be retried).
 public function execute()
     global $CFG, $DB;
     $timenow = time();
     // Run the auth cron, if any before enrolments
     // because it might add users that will be needed in enrol plugins.
     $auths = get_enabled_auth_plugins();
     mtrace("Running auth crons if required...");
     foreach ($auths as $auth) {
         $authplugin = get_auth_plugin($auth);
         if (method_exists($authplugin, 'cron')) {
             mtrace("Running cron for auth/{$auth}...");
             if (!empty($authplugin->log)) {
     // It is very important to run enrol early
     // because other plugins depend on correct enrolment info.
     mtrace("Running enrol crons if required...");
     $enrols = enrol_get_plugins(true);
     foreach ($enrols as $ename => $enrol) {
         // Do this for all plugins, disabled plugins might want to cleanup stuff such as roles.
         if (!$enrol->is_cron_required()) {
         mtrace("Running cron for enrol_{$ename}...");
         $enrol->set_config('lastcron', time());
     // Run all cron jobs for each module.
     mtrace("Starting activity modules");
     if ($mods = $DB->get_records_select("modules", "cron > 0 AND ((? - lastcron) > cron) AND visible = 1", array($timenow))) {
         foreach ($mods as $mod) {
             $libfile = "{$CFG->dirroot}/mod/{$mod->name}/lib.php";
             if (file_exists($libfile)) {
                 include_once $libfile;
                 $cronfunction = $mod->name . "_cron";
                 if (function_exists($cronfunction)) {
                     mtrace("Processing module function {$cronfunction} ...\n", '');
                     $predbqueries = null;
                     $predbqueries = $DB->perf_get_queries();
                     $pretime = microtime(1);
                     if ($cronfunction()) {
                         $DB->set_field("modules", "lastcron", $timenow, array("id" => $mod->id));
                     if (isset($predbqueries)) {
                         mtrace("... used " . ($DB->perf_get_queries() - $predbqueries) . " dbqueries");
                         mtrace("... used " . (microtime(1) - $pretime) . " seconds");
                     // Reset possible changes by modules to time_limit. MDL-11597.
     mtrace("Finished activity modules");
     mtrace("Starting blocks");
     if ($blocks = $DB->get_records_select("block", "cron > 0 AND ((? - lastcron) > cron) AND visible = 1", array($timenow))) {
         // We will need the base class.
         require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/blocks/moodleblock.class.php';
         foreach ($blocks as $block) {
             $blockfile = $CFG->dirroot . '/blocks/' . $block->name . '/block_' . $block->name . '.php';
             if (file_exists($blockfile)) {
                 require_once $blockfile;
                 $classname = '\\block_' . $block->name;
                 $blockobj = new $classname();
                 if (method_exists($blockobj, 'cron')) {
                     mtrace("Processing cron function for " . $block->name . '....', '');
                     if ($blockobj->cron()) {
                         $DB->set_field('block', 'lastcron', $timenow, array('id' => $block->id));
                     // Reset possible changes by blocks to time_limit. MDL-11597.
     mtrace('Finished blocks');
     mtrace('Starting admin reports');
     mtrace('Finished admin reports');
     mtrace('Starting course reports');
     mtrace('Finished course reports');
     // Run gradebook import/export/report cron.
     mtrace('Starting gradebook plugins');
     mtrace('Finished gradebook plugins');
     // All other plugins.
     cron_execute_plugin_type('message', 'message plugins');
     cron_execute_plugin_type('filter', 'filters');
     cron_execute_plugin_type('editor', 'editors');
     cron_execute_plugin_type('format', 'course formats');
     cron_execute_plugin_type('profilefield', 'profile fields');
     cron_execute_plugin_type('webservice', 'webservices');
     cron_execute_plugin_type('repository', 'repository plugins');
     cron_execute_plugin_type('qbehaviour', 'question behaviours');
     cron_execute_plugin_type('qformat', 'question import/export formats');
     cron_execute_plugin_type('qtype', 'question types');
     cron_execute_plugin_type('plagiarism', 'plagiarism plugins');
     cron_execute_plugin_type('theme', 'themes');
     cron_execute_plugin_type('tool', 'admin tools');
     cron_execute_plugin_type('local', 'local plugins');
Example #21
if (!($plugins = explode(',', $CFG->enrol_plugins_enabled))) {
    $plugins = array($CFG->enrol);
require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/enrol/enrol.class.php';
foreach ($plugins as $p) {
    $enrol = enrolment_factory::factory($p);
    if (method_exists($enrol, 'cron')) {
    if (!empty($enrol->log)) {
/// Run the auth cron, if any
$auths = get_enabled_auth_plugins();
mtrace("Running auth crons if required...");
foreach ($auths as $auth) {
    $authplugin = get_auth_plugin($auth);
    if (method_exists($authplugin, 'cron')) {
        mtrace("Running cron for auth/{$auth}...");
        if (!empty($authplugin->log)) {
if (!empty($CFG->enablestats) and empty($CFG->disablestatsprocessing)) {
    // check we're not before our runtime
    $timetocheck = strtotime("today {$CFG->statsruntimestarthour}:{$CFG->statsruntimestartminute}");
Example #22
 * Execute cron tasks
function cron_run()
    global $DB, $CFG, $OUTPUT;
        echo "CLI maintenance mode active, cron execution suspended.\n";
    if (moodle_needs_upgrading()) {
        echo "Moodle upgrade pending, cron execution suspended.\n";
    require_once $CFG->libdir . '/adminlib.php';
    require_once $CFG->libdir . '/gradelib.php';
    if (!empty($CFG->showcronsql)) {
    if (!empty($CFG->showcrondebugging)) {
        set_debugging(DEBUG_DEVELOPER, true);
    $starttime = microtime();
    // Increase memory limit
    // Emulate normal session - we use admin accoutn by default
    // Start output log
    $timenow = time();
    mtrace("Server Time: " . date('r', $timenow) . "\n\n");
    // Run cleanup core cron jobs, but not every time since they aren't too important.
    // These don't have a timer to reduce load, so we'll use a random number
    // to randomly choose the percentage of times we should run these jobs.
    $random100 = rand(0, 100);
    if ($random100 < 20) {
        // Approximately 20% of the time.
        mtrace("Running clean-up tasks...");
        // Delete users who haven't confirmed within required period
        if (!empty($CFG->deleteunconfirmed)) {
            $cuttime = $timenow - $CFG->deleteunconfirmed * 3600;
            $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql("SELECT *\n                                             FROM {user}\n                                            WHERE confirmed = 0 AND firstaccess > 0\n                                                  AND firstaccess < ?", array($cuttime));
            foreach ($rs as $user) {
                // we MUST delete user properly first
                $DB->delete_records('user', array('id' => $user->id));
                // this is a bloody hack, but it might work
                mtrace(" Deleted unconfirmed user for " . fullname($user, true) . " ({$user->id})");
        // Delete users who haven't completed profile within required period
        if (!empty($CFG->deleteincompleteusers)) {
            $cuttime = $timenow - $CFG->deleteincompleteusers * 3600;
            $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql("SELECT *\n                                             FROM {user}\n                                            WHERE confirmed = 1 AND lastaccess > 0\n                                                  AND lastaccess < ? AND deleted = 0\n                                                  AND (lastname = '' OR firstname = '' OR email = '')", array($cuttime));
            foreach ($rs as $user) {
                if (isguestuser($user) or is_siteadmin($user)) {
                mtrace(" Deleted not fully setup user {$user->username} ({$user->id})");
        // Delete old logs to save space (this might need a timer to slow it down...)
        if (!empty($CFG->loglifetime)) {
            // value in days
            $loglifetime = $timenow - $CFG->loglifetime * 3600 * 24;
            $DB->delete_records_select("log", "time < ?", array($loglifetime));
            mtrace(" Deleted old log records");
        // Delete old backup_controllers and logs.
        $loglifetime = get_config('backup', 'loglifetime');
        if (!empty($loglifetime)) {
            // Value in days.
            $loglifetime = $timenow - $loglifetime * 3600 * 24;
            // Delete child records from backup_logs.
            $DB->execute("DELETE FROM {backup_logs}\n                           WHERE EXISTS (\n                               SELECT 'x'\n                                 FROM {backup_controllers} bc\n                                WHERE bc.backupid = {backup_logs}.backupid\n                                  AND bc.timecreated < ?)", array($loglifetime));
            // Delete records from backup_controllers.
            $DB->execute("DELETE FROM {backup_controllers}\n                          WHERE timecreated < ?", array($loglifetime));
            mtrace(" Deleted old backup records");
        // Delete old cached texts
        if (!empty($CFG->cachetext)) {
            // Defined in config.php
            $cachelifetime = time() - $CFG->cachetext - 60;
            // Add an extra minute to allow for really heavy sites
            $DB->delete_records_select('cache_text', "timemodified < ?", array($cachelifetime));
            mtrace(" Deleted old cache_text records");
        if (!empty($CFG->usetags)) {
            require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/tag/lib.php';
            mtrace(' Executed tag cron');
        // Context maintenance stuff
        mtrace(' Cleaned up context instances');
        // If you suspect that the context paths are somehow corrupt
        // replace the line below with: context_helper::build_all_paths(true);
        mtrace(' Built context paths');
        // Remove expired cache flags
        mtrace(' Cleaned cache flags');
        // Cleanup messaging
        if (!empty($CFG->messagingdeletereadnotificationsdelay)) {
            $notificationdeletetime = time() - $CFG->messagingdeletereadnotificationsdelay;
            $DB->delete_records_select('message_read', 'notification=1 AND timeread<:notificationdeletetime', array('notificationdeletetime' => $notificationdeletetime));
            mtrace(' Cleaned up read notifications');
        mtrace(' Deleting temporary files...');
        // Cleanup user password reset records
        // Delete any reset request records which are expired by more than a day.
        // (We keep recently expired requests around so we can give a different error msg to users who
        // are trying to user a recently expired reset attempt).
        $pwresettime = isset($CFG->pwresettime) ? $CFG->pwresettime : 1800;
        $earliestvalid = time() - $pwresettime - DAYSECS;
        $DB->delete_records_select('user_password_resets', "timerequested < ?", array($earliestvalid));
        mtrace(' Cleaned up old password reset records');
        mtrace("...finished clean-up tasks");
    // End of occasional clean-up tasks
    // Send login failures notification - brute force protection in moodle is weak,
    // we should at least send notices early in each cron execution
    if (notify_login_failures()) {
        mtrace(' Notified login failures');
    // Make sure all context instances are properly created - they may be required in auth, enrol, etc.
    mtrace(' Created missing context instances');
    // Session gc.
    mtrace("Running session gc tasks...");
    mtrace("...finished stale session cleanup");
    // Run the auth cron, if any before enrolments
    // because it might add users that will be needed in enrol plugins
    $auths = get_enabled_auth_plugins();
    mtrace("Running auth crons if required...");
    foreach ($auths as $auth) {
        $authplugin = get_auth_plugin($auth);
        if (method_exists($authplugin, 'cron')) {
            mtrace("Running cron for auth/{$auth}...");
            if (!empty($authplugin->log)) {
    // Generate new password emails for users - ppl expect these generated asap
    if ($DB->count_records('user_preferences', array('name' => 'create_password', 'value' => '1'))) {
        mtrace('Creating passwords for new users...');
        $usernamefields = get_all_user_name_fields(true, 'u');
        $newusers = $DB->get_recordset_sql("SELECT u.id as id, u.email,\n                                                 {$usernamefields}, u.username, u.lang,\n                                                 p.id as prefid\n                                            FROM {user} u\n                                            JOIN {user_preferences} p ON u.id=p.userid\n                                           WHERE p.name='create_password' AND p.value='1' AND u.email !='' AND u.suspended = 0 AND u.auth != 'nologin' AND u.deleted = 0");
        // note: we can not send emails to suspended accounts
        foreach ($newusers as $newuser) {
            // Use a low cost factor when generating bcrypt hash otherwise
            // hashing would be slow when emailing lots of users. Hashes
            // will be automatically updated to a higher cost factor the first
            // time the user logs in.
            if (setnew_password_and_mail($newuser, true)) {
                unset_user_preference('create_password', $newuser);
                set_user_preference('auth_forcepasswordchange', 1, $newuser);
            } else {
                trigger_error("Could not create and mail new user password!");
    // It is very important to run enrol early
    // because other plugins depend on correct enrolment info.
    mtrace("Running enrol crons if required...");
    $enrols = enrol_get_plugins(true);
    foreach ($enrols as $ename => $enrol) {
        // do this for all plugins, disabled plugins might want to cleanup stuff such as roles
        if (!$enrol->is_cron_required()) {
        mtrace("Running cron for enrol_{$ename}...");
        $enrol->set_config('lastcron', time());
    // Run all cron jobs for each module
    mtrace("Starting activity modules");
    if ($mods = $DB->get_records_select("modules", "cron > 0 AND ((? - lastcron) > cron) AND visible = 1", array($timenow))) {
        foreach ($mods as $mod) {
            $libfile = "{$CFG->dirroot}/mod/{$mod->name}/lib.php";
            if (file_exists($libfile)) {
                include_once $libfile;
                $cron_function = $mod->name . "_cron";
                if (function_exists($cron_function)) {
                    mtrace("Processing module function {$cron_function} ...", '');
                    $pre_dbqueries = null;
                    $pre_dbqueries = $DB->perf_get_queries();
                    $pre_time = microtime(1);
                    if ($cron_function()) {
                        $DB->set_field("modules", "lastcron", $timenow, array("id" => $mod->id));
                    if (isset($pre_dbqueries)) {
                        mtrace("... used " . ($DB->perf_get_queries() - $pre_dbqueries) . " dbqueries");
                        mtrace("... used " . (microtime(1) - $pre_time) . " seconds");
                    // Reset possible changes by modules to time_limit. MDL-11597
    mtrace("Finished activity modules");
    mtrace("Starting blocks");
    if ($blocks = $DB->get_records_select("block", "cron > 0 AND ((? - lastcron) > cron) AND visible = 1", array($timenow))) {
        // We will need the base class.
        require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/blocks/moodleblock.class.php';
        foreach ($blocks as $block) {
            $blockfile = $CFG->dirroot . '/blocks/' . $block->name . '/block_' . $block->name . '.php';
            if (file_exists($blockfile)) {
                require_once $blockfile;
                $classname = 'block_' . $block->name;
                $blockobj = new $classname();
                if (method_exists($blockobj, 'cron')) {
                    mtrace("Processing cron function for " . $block->name . '....', '');
                    if ($blockobj->cron()) {
                        $DB->set_field('block', 'lastcron', $timenow, array('id' => $block->id));
                    // Reset possible changes by blocks to time_limit. MDL-11597
    mtrace('Finished blocks');
    mtrace('Starting admin reports');
    mtrace('Finished admin reports');
    mtrace('Starting main gradebook job...');
    mtrace('Starting processing the event queue...');
    if ($CFG->enablecompletion) {
        // Completion cron
        mtrace('Starting the completion cron...');
        require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/completion/cron.php';
    if ($CFG->enableportfolios) {
        // Portfolio cron
        mtrace('Starting the portfolio cron...');
        require_once $CFG->libdir . '/portfoliolib.php';
    //now do plagiarism checks
    require_once $CFG->libdir . '/plagiarismlib.php';
    mtrace('Starting course reports');
    mtrace('Finished course reports');
    // run gradebook import/export/report cron
    mtrace('Starting gradebook plugins');
    mtrace('Finished gradebook plugins');
    // run calendar cron
    require_once "{$CFG->dirroot}/calendar/lib.php";
    // Run external blog cron if needed
    if (!empty($CFG->enableblogs) && $CFG->useexternalblogs) {
        require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/blog/lib.php';
        mtrace("Fetching external blog entries...", '');
        $sql = "timefetched < ? OR timefetched = 0";
        $externalblogs = $DB->get_records_select('blog_external', $sql, array(time() - $CFG->externalblogcrontime));
        foreach ($externalblogs as $eb) {
    // Run blog associations cleanup
    if (!empty($CFG->enableblogs) && $CFG->useblogassociations) {
        require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/blog/lib.php';
        // delete entries whose contextids no longer exists
        mtrace("Deleting blog associations linked to non-existent contexts...", '');
        $DB->delete_records_select('blog_association', 'contextid NOT IN (SELECT id FROM {context})');
    // Run question bank clean-up.
    mtrace("Starting the question bank cron...", '');
    require_once $CFG->libdir . '/questionlib.php';
    //Run registration updated cron
    mtrace(get_string('siteupdatesstart', 'hub'));
    require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/' . $CFG->admin . '/registration/lib.php';
    $registrationmanager = new registration_manager();
    mtrace(get_string('siteupdatesend', 'hub'));
    // If enabled, fetch information about available updates and eventually notify site admins
    if (empty($CFG->disableupdatenotifications)) {
        $updateschecker = \core\update\checker::instance();
    //cleanup old session linked tokens
    //deletes the session linked tokens that are over a day old.
    mtrace("Deleting session linked tokens more than one day old...", '');
    $DB->delete_records_select('external_tokens', 'lastaccess < :onedayago AND tokentype = :tokentype', array('onedayago' => time() - DAYSECS, 'tokentype' => EXTERNAL_TOKEN_EMBEDDED));
    // all other plugins
    cron_execute_plugin_type('message', 'message plugins');
    cron_execute_plugin_type('filter', 'filters');
    cron_execute_plugin_type('editor', 'editors');
    cron_execute_plugin_type('format', 'course formats');
    cron_execute_plugin_type('profilefield', 'profile fields');
    cron_execute_plugin_type('webservice', 'webservices');
    cron_execute_plugin_type('repository', 'repository plugins');
    cron_execute_plugin_type('qbehaviour', 'question behaviours');
    cron_execute_plugin_type('qformat', 'question import/export formats');
    cron_execute_plugin_type('qtype', 'question types');
    cron_execute_plugin_type('plagiarism', 'plagiarism plugins');
    cron_execute_plugin_type('theme', 'themes');
    cron_execute_plugin_type('tool', 'admin tools');
    // and finally run any local cronjobs, if any
    if ($locals = core_component::get_plugin_list('local')) {
        mtrace('Processing customized cron scripts ...', '');
        // new cron functions in lib.php first
        // legacy cron files are executed directly
        foreach ($locals as $local => $localdir) {
            if (file_exists("{$localdir}/cron.php")) {
                include "{$localdir}/cron.php";
    mtrace('Running cache cron routines');
    // Run automated backups if required - these may take a long time to execute
    require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/backup/util/includes/backup_includes.php';
    require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/backup/util/helper/backup_cron_helper.class.php';
    // Run stats as at the end because they are known to take very long time on large sites
    if (!empty($CFG->enablestats) and empty($CFG->disablestatsprocessing)) {
        require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/lib/statslib.php';
        // check we're not before our runtime
        $timetocheck = stats_get_base_daily() + $CFG->statsruntimestarthour * 60 * 60 + $CFG->statsruntimestartminute * 60;
        if (time() > $timetocheck) {
            // process configured number of days as max (defaulting to 31)
            $maxdays = empty($CFG->statsruntimedays) ? 31 : abs($CFG->statsruntimedays);
            if (stats_cron_daily($maxdays)) {
                if (stats_cron_weekly()) {
                    if (stats_cron_monthly()) {
        } else {
            mtrace('Next stats run after:' . userdate($timetocheck));
    // Run badges review cron.
    mtrace("Starting badges cron...");
    require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/badges/cron.php';
    // cleanup file trash - not very important
    $fs = get_file_storage();
    mtrace("Cron script completed correctly");
    mtrace('Cron completed at ' . date('H:i:s') . '. Memory used ' . display_size(memory_get_usage()) . '.');
    $difftime = microtime_diff($starttime, microtime());
    mtrace("Execution took " . $difftime . " seconds");
Example #23
 protected function enable_plugin()
     $auths = get_enabled_auth_plugins(true);
     if (!in_array('ldap', $auths)) {
         $auths[] = 'ldap';
     set_config('auth', implode(',', $auths));
Example #24
        // TODO: try to find out what is the exact reason why sessions do not work
        $errormsg = get_string("cookiesnotenabled");
        $errorcode = 1;
/// Check for timed out sessions
if (!empty($SESSION->has_timed_out)) {
    $session_has_timed_out = true;
} else {
    $session_has_timed_out = false;
/// auth plugins may override these - SSO anyone?
$frm = false;
$user = false;
$authsequence = get_enabled_auth_plugins(true);
// auths, in sequence
foreach ($authsequence as $authname) {
    $authplugin = get_auth_plugin($authname);
/// Define variables used in page
$site = get_site();
// Ignore any active pages in the navigation/settings.
// We do this because there won't be an active page there, and by ignoring the active pages the
// navigation and settings won't be initialised unless something else needs them.
$loginsite = get_string("loginsite");
if ($user !== false or $frm !== false or $errormsg !== '') {
    // some auth plugin already supplied full user, fake form data or prevented user login with error message
Example #25
  * Return XHTML to display control
  * @param mixed $data Unused
  * @param string $query
  * @return string highlight
 public function output_html($data, $query = '')
     global $CFG, $OUTPUT;
     // display strings
     $txt = get_strings(array('authenticationplugins', 'users', 'administration', 'settings', 'edit', 'name', 'enable', 'disable', 'up', 'down', 'none'));
     $txt->updown = "{$txt->up}/{$txt->down}";
     $authsavailable = get_plugin_list('auth');
     // fix the list of enabled auths
     if (empty($CFG->auth)) {
         $authsenabled = array();
     } else {
         $authsenabled = explode(',', $CFG->auth);
     // construct the display array, with enabled auth plugins at the top, in order
     $displayauths = array();
     $registrationauths = array();
     $registrationauths[''] = $txt->disable;
     foreach ($authsenabled as $auth) {
         $authplugin = get_auth_plugin($auth);
         /// Get the auth title (from core or own auth lang files)
         $authtitle = $authplugin->get_title();
         /// Apply titles
         $displayauths[$auth] = $authtitle;
         if ($authplugin->can_signup()) {
             $registrationauths[$auth] = $authtitle;
     foreach ($authsavailable as $auth => $dir) {
         if (array_key_exists($auth, $displayauths)) {
             //already in the list
         $authplugin = get_auth_plugin($auth);
         /// Get the auth title (from core or own auth lang files)
         $authtitle = $authplugin->get_title();
         /// Apply titles
         $displayauths[$auth] = $authtitle;
         if ($authplugin->can_signup()) {
             $registrationauths[$auth] = $authtitle;
     $return = $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('actauthhdr', 'auth'), 3, 'main');
     $return .= $OUTPUT->box_start('generalbox authsui');
     $table = new html_table();
     $table->head = array($txt->name, $txt->enable, $txt->updown, $txt->settings);
     $table->align = array('left', 'center', 'center', 'center');
     $table->data = array();
     $table->attributes['class'] = 'manageauthtable generaltable';
     //add always enabled plugins first
     $displayname = "<span>" . $displayauths['manual'] . "</span>";
     $settings = "<a href=\"auth_config.php?auth=manual\">{$txt->settings}</a>";
     //$settings = "<a href=\"settings.php?section=authsettingmanual\">{$txt->settings}</a>";
     $table->data[] = array($displayname, '', '', $settings);
     $displayname = "<span>" . $displayauths['nologin'] . "</span>";
     $settings = "<a href=\"auth_config.php?auth=nologin\">{$txt->settings}</a>";
     $table->data[] = array($displayname, '', '', $settings);
     // iterate through auth plugins and add to the display table
     $updowncount = 1;
     $authcount = count($authsenabled);
     $url = "auth.php?sesskey=" . sesskey();
     foreach ($displayauths as $auth => $name) {
         if ($auth == 'manual' or $auth == 'nologin') {
         // hide/show link
         if (in_array($auth, $authsenabled)) {
             $hideshow = "<a href=\"{$url}&amp;action=disable&amp;auth={$auth}\">";
             $hideshow .= "<img src=\"" . $OUTPUT->pix_url('i/hide') . "\" class=\"icon\" alt=\"disable\" /></a>";
             // $hideshow = "<a href=\"$url&amp;action=disable&amp;auth=$auth\"><input type=\"checkbox\" checked /></a>";
             $enabled = true;
             $displayname = "<span>{$name}</span>";
         } else {
             $hideshow = "<a href=\"{$url}&amp;action=enable&amp;auth={$auth}\">";
             $hideshow .= "<img src=\"" . $OUTPUT->pix_url('i/show') . "\" class=\"icon\" alt=\"enable\" /></a>";
             // $hideshow = "<a href=\"$url&amp;action=enable&amp;auth=$auth\"><input type=\"checkbox\" /></a>";
             $enabled = false;
             $displayname = "<span class=\"dimmed_text\">{$name}</span>";
         // up/down link (only if auth is enabled)
         $updown = '';
         if ($enabled) {
             if ($updowncount > 1) {
                 $updown .= "<a href=\"{$url}&amp;action=up&amp;auth={$auth}\">";
                 $updown .= "<img src=\"" . $OUTPUT->pix_url('t/up') . "\" alt=\"up\" /></a>&nbsp;";
             } else {
                 $updown .= "<img src=\"" . $OUTPUT->pix_url('spacer') . "\" class=\"icon\" alt=\"\" />&nbsp;";
             if ($updowncount < $authcount) {
                 $updown .= "<a href=\"{$url}&amp;action=down&amp;auth={$auth}\">";
                 $updown .= "<img src=\"" . $OUTPUT->pix_url('t/down') . "\" alt=\"down\" /></a>";
             } else {
                 $updown .= "<img src=\"" . $OUTPUT->pix_url('spacer') . "\" class=\"icon\" alt=\"\" />";
         // settings link
         if (file_exists($CFG->dirroot . '/auth/' . $auth . '/settings.php')) {
             $settings = "<a href=\"settings.php?section=authsetting{$auth}\">{$txt->settings}</a>";
         } else {
             $settings = "<a href=\"auth_config.php?auth={$auth}\">{$txt->settings}</a>";
         // add a row to the table
         $table->data[] = array($displayname, $hideshow, $updown, $settings);
     $return .= html_writer::table($table);
     $return .= get_string('configauthenticationplugins', 'admin') . '<br />' . get_string('tablenosave', 'filters');
     $return .= $OUTPUT->box_end();
     return highlight($query, $return);
Example #26
 * Allows admin to edit all auth plugin settings.
 * JH: copied and Hax0rd from admin/enrol.php and admin/filters.php
require_once '../config.php';
require_once $CFG->libdir . '/adminlib.php';
require_once $CFG->libdir . '/tablelib.php';
require_capability('moodle/site:config', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM));
$returnurl = "{$CFG->wwwroot}/{$CFG->admin}/settings.php?section=manageauths";
$action = optional_param('action', '', PARAM_ACTION);
$auth = optional_param('auth', '', PARAM_SAFEDIR);
// get currently installed and enabled auth plugins
$authsavailable = get_list_of_plugins('auth');
// fix the list of enabled auths
if (empty($CFG->auth)) {
    $authsenabled = array();
} else {
    $authsenabled = explode(',', $CFG->auth);
if (!empty($auth) and !exists_auth_plugin($auth)) {
    print_error('pluginnotinstalled', 'auth', $url, $auth);
// process actions
if (!confirm_sesskey()) {
switch ($action) {
Example #27
 * Authenticates a user against the chosen authentication mechanism
 * Given a username and password, this function looks them
 * up using the currently selected authentication mechanism,
 * and if the authentication is successful, it returns a
 * valid $user object from the 'user' table.
 * Uses auth_ functions from the currently active auth module
 * After authenticate_user_login() returns success, you will need to
 * log that the user has logged in, and call complete_user_login() to set
 * the session up.
 * Note: this function works only with non-mnet accounts!
 * @param string $username  User's username (or also email if $CFG->authloginviaemail enabled)
 * @param string $password  User's password
 * @param bool $ignorelockout useful when guessing is prevented by other mechanism such as captcha or SSO
 * @param int $failurereason login failure reason, can be used in renderers (it may disclose if account exists)
 * @return stdClass|false A {@link $USER} object or false if error
function authenticate_user_login($username, $password, $ignorelockout = false, &$failurereason = null)
    global $CFG, $DB;
    require_once "{$CFG->libdir}/authlib.php";
    if ($user = get_complete_user_data('username', $username, $CFG->mnet_localhost_id)) {
        // we have found the user
    } else {
        if (!empty($CFG->authloginviaemail)) {
            if ($email = clean_param($username, PARAM_EMAIL)) {
                $select = "mnethostid = :mnethostid AND LOWER(email) = LOWER(:email) AND deleted = 0";
                $params = array('mnethostid' => $CFG->mnet_localhost_id, 'email' => $email);
                $users = $DB->get_records_select('user', $select, $params, 'id', 'id', 0, 2);
                if (count($users) === 1) {
                    // Use email for login only if unique.
                    $user = reset($users);
                    $user = get_complete_user_data('id', $user->id);
                    $username = $user->username;
    $authsenabled = get_enabled_auth_plugins();
    if ($user) {
        // Use manual if auth not set.
        $auth = empty($user->auth) ? 'manual' : $user->auth;
        if (in_array($user->auth, $authsenabled)) {
            $authplugin = get_auth_plugin($user->auth);
        if (!empty($user->suspended)) {
            $failurereason = AUTH_LOGIN_SUSPENDED;
            // Trigger login failed event.
            $event = \core\event\user_login_failed::create(array('userid' => $user->id, 'other' => array('username' => $username, 'reason' => $failurereason)));
            error_log('[client ' . getremoteaddr() . "]  {$CFG->wwwroot}  Suspended Login:  {$username}  " . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
            return false;
        if ($auth == 'nologin' or !is_enabled_auth($auth)) {
            // Legacy way to suspend user.
            $failurereason = AUTH_LOGIN_SUSPENDED;
            // Trigger login failed event.
            $event = \core\event\user_login_failed::create(array('userid' => $user->id, 'other' => array('username' => $username, 'reason' => $failurereason)));
            error_log('[client ' . getremoteaddr() . "]  {$CFG->wwwroot}  Disabled Login:  {$username}  " . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
            return false;
        $auths = array($auth);
    } else {
        // Check if there's a deleted record (cheaply), this should not happen because we mangle usernames in delete_user().
        if ($DB->get_field('user', 'id', array('username' => $username, 'mnethostid' => $CFG->mnet_localhost_id, 'deleted' => 1))) {
            $failurereason = AUTH_LOGIN_NOUSER;
            // Trigger login failed event.
            $event = \core\event\user_login_failed::create(array('other' => array('username' => $username, 'reason' => $failurereason)));
            error_log('[client ' . getremoteaddr() . "]  {$CFG->wwwroot}  Deleted Login:  {$username}  " . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
            return false;
        // User does not exist.
        $auths = $authsenabled;
        $user = new stdClass();
        $user->id = 0;
    if ($ignorelockout) {
        // Some other mechanism protects against brute force password guessing, for example login form might include reCAPTCHA
        // or this function is called from a SSO script.
    } else {
        if ($user->id) {
            // Verify login lockout after other ways that may prevent user login.
            if (login_is_lockedout($user)) {
                $failurereason = AUTH_LOGIN_LOCKOUT;
                // Trigger login failed event.
                $event = \core\event\user_login_failed::create(array('userid' => $user->id, 'other' => array('username' => $username, 'reason' => $failurereason)));
                error_log('[client ' . getremoteaddr() . "]  {$CFG->wwwroot}  Login lockout:  {$username}  " . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
                return false;
        } else {
            // We can not lockout non-existing accounts.
    foreach ($auths as $auth) {
        $authplugin = get_auth_plugin($auth);
        // On auth fail fall through to the next plugin.
        if (!$authplugin->user_login($username, $password)) {
        // Successful authentication.
        if ($user->id) {
            // User already exists in database.
            if (empty($user->auth)) {
                // For some reason auth isn't set yet.
                $DB->set_field('user', 'auth', $auth, array('id' => $user->id));
                $user->auth = $auth;
            // If the existing hash is using an out-of-date algorithm (or the legacy md5 algorithm), then we should update to
            // the current hash algorithm while we have access to the user's password.
            update_internal_user_password($user, $password);
            if ($authplugin->is_synchronised_with_external()) {
                // Update user record from external DB.
                $user = update_user_record_by_id($user->id);
        } else {
            // The user is authenticated but user creation may be disabled.
            if (!empty($CFG->authpreventaccountcreation)) {
                $failurereason = AUTH_LOGIN_UNAUTHORISED;
                // Trigger login failed event.
                $event = \core\event\user_login_failed::create(array('other' => array('username' => $username, 'reason' => $failurereason)));
                error_log('[client ' . getremoteaddr() . "]  {$CFG->wwwroot}  Unknown user, can not create new accounts:  {$username}  " . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
                return false;
            } else {
                $user = create_user_record($username, $password, $auth);
        foreach ($authsenabled as $hau) {
            $hauth = get_auth_plugin($hau);
            $hauth->user_authenticated_hook($user, $username, $password);
        if (empty($user->id)) {
            $failurereason = AUTH_LOGIN_NOUSER;
            // Trigger login failed event.
            $event = \core\event\user_login_failed::create(array('other' => array('username' => $username, 'reason' => $failurereason)));
            return false;
        if (!empty($user->suspended)) {
            // Just in case some auth plugin suspended account.
            $failurereason = AUTH_LOGIN_SUSPENDED;
            // Trigger login failed event.
            $event = \core\event\user_login_failed::create(array('userid' => $user->id, 'other' => array('username' => $username, 'reason' => $failurereason)));
            error_log('[client ' . getremoteaddr() . "]  {$CFG->wwwroot}  Suspended Login:  {$username}  " . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
            return false;
        $failurereason = AUTH_LOGIN_OK;
        return $user;
    // Failed if all the plugins have failed.
    if (debugging('', DEBUG_ALL)) {
        error_log('[client ' . getremoteaddr() . "]  {$CFG->wwwroot}  Failed Login:  {$username}  " . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
    if ($user->id) {
        $failurereason = AUTH_LOGIN_FAILED;
        // Trigger login failed event.
        $event = \core\event\user_login_failed::create(array('userid' => $user->id, 'other' => array('username' => $username, 'reason' => $failurereason)));
    } else {
        $failurereason = AUTH_LOGIN_NOUSER;
        // Trigger login failed event.
        $event = \core\event\user_login_failed::create(array('other' => array('username' => $username, 'reason' => $failurereason)));
    return false;
function local_ombieltoken_authenticate_user($username)
    global $CFG, $DB;
    $authsenabled = get_enabled_auth_plugins();
    $authplugin = get_auth_plugin('cosign');
    if ($username) {
        $user = get_complete_user_data('username', $username, $CFG->mnet_localhost_id);
    } else {
        $user = get_complete_user_data('username', auth_plugin_cosign::get_cosign_username(), $CFG->mnet_localhost_id);
    if ($user) {
        if ($user->auth !== 'cosign') {
            // Invalid auth - we only allow cosign users in this token generator
            add_to_log(SITEID, 'login', 'error', 'index.php', $username);
            return false;
        if (!empty($user->suspended)) {
            add_to_log(SITEID, 'login', 'error', 'index.php', $username);
            error_log('[client ' . getremoteaddr() . "]  {$CFG->wwwroot}  Suspended Login:  {$username}  " . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
            return false;
    } else {
        // check if there's a deleted record (cheaply)
        if ($DB->get_field('user', 'id', array('username' => $username, 'deleted' => 1))) {
            error_log('[client ' . getremoteaddr() . "]  {$CFG->wwwroot}  Deleted Login:  {$username}  " . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
        return false;
    $user = update_user_record($username);
    return $user;
Example #29
 * Returns list of auth plugins that are enabled and known to work.
 * If ppl want to use some other auth type they have to include it
 * in the CSV file next on each line.
 * @return array type=>name
function uu_supported_auths()
    // only following plugins are guaranteed to work properly
    $whitelist = array('manual', 'nologin', 'none', 'email');
    $plugins = get_enabled_auth_plugins();
    $choices = array();
    foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
        if (!in_array($plugin, $whitelist)) {
        $choices[$plugin] = get_string('pluginname', "auth_{$plugin}");
    return $choices;
Example #30
  * Read session handler
  * {@see http://php.net/manual/en/function.session-set-save-handler.php}
  * @param string $sid
  * @return string
 public function handler_read($sid)
     global $CFG;
     if ($this->record and $this->record->sid != $sid) {
         error_log('Weird error reading database session - mismatched sid');
         $this->failed = true;
         return '';
     try {
         // Do not fetch full record yet, wait until it is locked.
         if (!($record = $this->database->get_record('sessions', array('sid' => $sid), 'id, userid'))) {
             $record = new stdClass();
             $record->state = 0;
             $record->sid = $sid;
             $record->sessdata = null;
             $record->userid = 0;
             $record->timecreated = $record->timemodified = time();
             $record->firstip = $record->lastip = getremoteaddr();
             $record->id = $this->database->insert_record_raw('sessions', $record);
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         // do not rethrow exceptions here, we need this to work somehow before 1.9.x upgrade and during install
         error_log('Can not read or insert database sessions');
         $this->failed = true;
         return '';
     try {
         if (!empty($CFG->sessionlockloggedinonly) and (isguestuser($record->userid) or empty($record->userid))) {
             // No session locking for guests and not-logged-in users,
             // these users mostly read stuff, there should not be any major
             // session race conditions. Hopefully they do not access other
             // pages while being logged-in.
         } else {
             $this->database->get_session_lock($record->id, SESSION_ACQUIRE_LOCK_TIMEOUT);
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         // This is a fatal error, better inform users.
         // It should not happen very often - all pages that need long time to execute
         // should close session soon after access control checks
         error_log('Can not obtain session lock');
         $this->failed = true;
         throw $ex;
     // Finally read the full session data because we know we have the lock now.
     if (!($record = $this->database->get_record('sessions', array('id' => $record->id)))) {
         error_log('Cannot read session record');
         $this->failed = true;
         return '';
     // verify timeout
     if ($record->timemodified + $CFG->sessiontimeout < time()) {
         $ignoretimeout = false;
         if (!empty($record->userid)) {
             // skips not logged in
             if ($user = $this->database->get_record('user', array('id' => $record->userid))) {
                 // Refresh session if logged as a guest
                 if (isguestuser($user)) {
                     $ignoretimeout = true;
                 } else {
                     $authsequence = get_enabled_auth_plugins();
                     // auths, in sequence
                     foreach ($authsequence as $authname) {
                         $authplugin = get_auth_plugin($authname);
                         if ($authplugin->ignore_timeout_hook($user, $record->sid, $record->timecreated, $record->timemodified)) {
                             $ignoretimeout = true;
         if ($ignoretimeout) {
             //refresh session
             $record->timemodified = time();
             try {
                 $this->database->update_record('sessions', $record);
             } catch (Exception $ex) {
                 // very unlikely error
                 error_log('Can not refresh database session');
                 $this->failed = true;
                 throw $ex;
         } else {
             //time out session
             $record->state = 0;
             $record->sessdata = null;
             $record->userid = 0;
             $record->timecreated = $record->timemodified = time();
             $record->firstip = $record->lastip = getremoteaddr();
             try {
                 $this->database->update_record('sessions', $record);
             } catch (Exception $ex) {
                 // very unlikely error
                 error_log('Can not time out database session');
                 $this->failed = true;
                 throw $ex;
     if (is_null($record->sessdata)) {
         $data = '';
         $this->lasthash = sha1('');
     } else {
         $data = base64_decode($record->sessdata);
         $this->lasthash = sha1($record->sessdata);
     // conserve memory
     $this->record = $record;
     return $data;