  * Option configurations
  * @return void
 protected function configureOptions()
     foreach ($this->options as $option) {
         call_user_method_array('addOption', $this, $option);
     return $this;
Example #2
 public function execute($id)
     if (!isset($this->prepares[$id])) {
         throw new Moonlake_Exception_ModelConnector("The given id doesn't represent a valid prepared statement. This mostly means, that the statement is freed befor this call");
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->prepares[$id]['types']); $i++) {
         $args[] = func_get_arg($i + 1);
     $stmt = $this->prepares[$id]['stmt'];
     call_user_method_array('bind_param', $stmt, $args);
     $stmt->execute() or $this->error($this->prepares[$id]['sql']);
     // bind result byref to array
     call_user_func_array(array($stmt, "bind_result"), $byref_array_for_fields);
     // returns a copy of a value
     $copy = create_function('$a', 'return $a;');
     $results = array();
     while ($mysqli_stmt_object->fetch()) {
         // array_map will preserve keys when done here and this way
         $result = array_map($copy, $byref_array_for_fields);
         $mresult = new Moonlake_Model_Result();
         foreach ($result as $key => $val) {
             $mresult->{$key} = $val;
         $results[] = $mresult;
     // create with this new query
     $qid = count($this->queries);
     $this->queries[$qid]['sql'] = $sql;
     $this->queries[$qid]['rows'] = count($results);
     $this->queries[$qid]['seek'] = 0;
     $this->queries[$qid]['result'] = $results;
     return $results;
Example #3
 public function __call($method, $arguments)
     if (method_exists($this->pdf, $method)) {
         return call_user_method_array($method, $this->pdf, $arguments);
     throw new Exception("Method not found");
  * Invokes HttpMessage object methods
  * @param    string    $method
  * @param    array     $args
  * @return   mixed
 public function __call($method, $args)
     if (method_exists($this->message, $method)) {
         return call_user_method_array($method, $this->message, $args);
     throw new \BadMethodCallException(sprintf('Method "%s" does not exist for class "%s".', $method, get_class($this)));
Example #5
function smarty_function_view($params, &$smarty)
    $src = $params["file"];
    if ($src != "") {
        $smarty->display(view_path . "/" . ltrim($src, "/"));
    //FIXME: Burası tek bir merkezden kontrol edilmeli.
    global $rule;
    foreach ($rule as $r) {
        if (eregi($r["class"], $params["class"])) {
            $class_path = controller_root . "/" . $r["file"];
            $class_name = $r["class"];
    $method = $params["method"];
    $method_arguments = get_arguments($params);
    if (!file_exists($class_path)) {
        echo "Module ({$class_name}) Not Found<br/>";
    } else {
        require_once $class_path;
    if (!method_exists($class_name, $method)) {
        echo "Method ({$method}) Not Found<br/>";
    } else {
        eval("\$class = new {$class_name}();");
        $class->arguments = $smarty->get_template_vars();
        call_user_method_array($method, $class, $method_arguments);
Example #6
	public function filter($action, $args = array()){
		$this->action = ( $action ? $action : "index" );
		$this->args = ( $args ? $args : array() );
		$this->extension = pathinfo($this->args[count($this->args) - 1], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
			$this->args[count($this->args) - 1] = str_replace(".{$this->extension}", '', $this->args[count($this->args) - 1]);
		} else {
			$this->extension = "html";
		// Remove empty values from the args array
		foreach($this->args as $key=>$arg){
			if(empty($arg) || $arg == '') unset($this->args[$key]);
		if(!method_exists($this, $this->action)){
			if($this->defaultToIndex && method_exists($this, 'index')){
				array_unshift($this->args, $this->action);
				$this->action = 'index';
				$this->filter($this->action, $this->args);
			throw new Exception("Undefined method - {$this->name}/{$this->action}");
		if($this->beforeFilter() === false) return;
		call_user_method_array($this->action, $this, $this->args);

		if($this->autoRender) $this->render();
Example #7
 public final function _call($method, $args)
     if (method_exists($this->_content, $method)) {
         call_user_method_array($method, $this->_content, $args);
     } else {
         throw $this->_exception_unknown_method();
Example #8
 function __call($methodName, $params)
     $tpl = $this->getTemplateInstance();
     if (!method_exists($tpl, $methodName)) {
         throw new lmbException('Wrong template method called', array('template class' => get_class($tpl), 'method' => $methodName));
     return call_user_method_array($methodName, $tpl, $params);
Example #9
  * Create a new document, but don't save yet
  * @return Self
 public static function make()
     $instance = new static();
     if (method_exists($instance, 'setup')) {
         call_user_method_array('setup', $instance, func_get_args());
     return $instance;
 public function getChildren()
     if (empty($this['children'])) {
         return array();
     } else {
         return call_user_method_array('getCategories', $this['CollectionParent'], $this['children']);
 public function log($message)
     $message = $message . PHP_EOL;
     if ($this->logger) {
         call_user_method_array($this->callback, $this->logger, array($message));
     } else {
Example #12
  * @param type $method
  * @param type $args
  * @return type
  * @throws Exception
 public function __call($method, $args)
     foreach ($this->_exts as $ext) {
         if (method_exists($ext, $method)) {
             return call_user_method_array($method, $ext, $args);
     throw new Exception("Este Metodo {$method} nao existe!");
Example #13
 public function __call($method, $args)
     foreach ($this->_exts as $ext) {
         if (method_exists($ext, $method)) {
             return call_user_method_array($method, $ext, $args);
     throw new Exception("This Method {$method} doesn't exists");
Example #14
File: DB.php Project: kelvinj/Giiki
  * Map certain calls to a single method, not usually on this object, e.g. the validation, which
  * reside in Fu_DB_Validation
  * @return mixed
 public function __call($m, $a)
     switch (true) {
         case substr($m, 0, 10) == 'validates_':
             $validation = substr($m, 10);
             return $this->_validation->add($validation, $a);
         case $m == 'bind':
             if (is_string($a[1]) && method_exists($this, $a[1])) {
                 $a[1] = array($this, $a[1]);
             return call_user_method_array('bind', $this->_event, $a);
             // associations
         // associations
         case $m == 'fetch':
             return $this->_association->fetch($this, $a[0], (array) $a[1]);
         case $m == 'belongs_to':
             $options = array('class' => $a[0], 'association_name' => $a[1], 'foreign_key_id' => $a[2] ? $a[2] : $a[1]);
             if (is_array($a[3])) {
                 $options = array_merge($options, $a[3]);
             return $this->_association->add($m, $options);
         case $m == 'has_one':
         case $m == 'has_many':
             $options = array('class' => $a[0], 'association_name' => $a[1], 'association_id' => $a[2]);
             if (is_array($a[3])) {
                 $options = array_merge($options, $a[3]);
             return $this->_association->add($m, $options);
              * has_and_belongs_to_many & habtm are aliases of many_to_many
          * has_and_belongs_to_many & habtm are aliases of many_to_many
         case $m == 'has_and_belongs_to_many':
         case $m == 'habtm':
         case $m == 'many_to_many':
             $m = 'many_to_many';
             $options = array('class' => $a[0], 'association_name' => $a[1]);
             if (is_array($a[2])) {
                 $options = array_merge($options, $a[2]);
             return $this->_association->add($m, $options);
             // pass any unknown methods calls to the DB handler
         // pass any unknown methods calls to the DB handler
             throw new Exception("Method not found: {$m}");
Example #15
  * We use the __call method here to provide transparent access to render and
  * set (as we need to call these either on ourself or our cached template).
  * @param  string $method    the method name
  * @param  array $arguments the array of arguments to pass through
  * @return mixed            the result of the function
 public function __call($method, $arguments)
     if (!in_array($method, array('render', 'set'))) {
         die("Scurvy: '{$method}' is not a valid scurvy method.");
     if ($this->cache) {
         return call_user_method_array($method, $this->cacheTemplate, $arguments);
     } else {
         return call_user_method_array($method, $this, $arguments);
 public function __call($name, $arguments)
     if (false !== strpos($name, 'make')) {
         // Attempt to call the method
         $class = ucfirst(substr($name, 4));
         $classPath = __NAMESPACE__ . "\\Entity\\{$class}";
         $object = new $classPath();
         return call_user_method_array($name, $object, $arguments);
     } else {
         throw new GeneratorException(sprintf("Unknown method called! '%s'", (string) $name));
Example #17
  * magic funtion __call
  * implements aop functionality by invoking methods which have a underscore(_) prefix
  * and weave in aspects before and after method
  * @param string $pMethod methodname
  * @param array $pArgs arguments
 public function __call($pMethod = '', $pArgs = array())
     $aspectMethod = '_' . $pMethod;
     if (!\method_exists($this, $aspectMethod)) {
         throw new EFrameworkInterceptor(sprintf("aspectized method %s does not exists\n", $aspectMethod));
     $joinPoint = new AOP\JoinPoints\CMethodCall(\get_class($this), $pMethod, $pArgs);
     AOP\AFramework::weaveIn($this, $joinPoint);
     $joinPoint->result = call_user_method_array($aspectMethod, $this, $pArgs);
     AOP\AFramework::weaveOut($this, $joinPoint);
     return $joinPoint->result;
Example #18
 public function call($method, $params = [])
     $result = [];
     foreach ($this->services as $key => $service) {
         if (method_exists($service['provider'], $method)) {
             $data = call_user_method_array([$service['provider'], $method], $params);
             if ($data) {
                 $result[] = $data;
     return $result;
Example #19
  * This is a shortcut function to access the latest TheLib object.
  * Usage:
  *   WDev()->message();
 function WDev()
     $obj = TheLibWrap::$object;
     if (func_num_args()) {
         $func = func_get_arg(0);
         $args = func_get_args();
         if (is_callable(array($obj, $func))) {
             return call_user_method_array($func, $obj, $args);
     return $obj;
Example #20
 public function executeAction()
     if ($this->route->isAuthRequired() && !Authentication::isAuthenticated()) {
         $loginRoute = Route::findRoute(\Config\App\LOGIN_PAGE_ROUTE, Route::METHOD_GET);
         $obj = ControllerHandler::instance()->redirectToRoute($loginRoute, $this->request);
         $action = $loginRoute->getAction();
         $parameters = Route::getRouteParameters($this->route, $this->request);
         return call_user_method_array($action, $obj, $parameters);
     $action = $this->route->getAction();
     $parameters = Route::getRouteParameters($this->route, $this->request);
     return call_user_method_array($action, $this, $parameters);
Example #21
 function pay($type = null, $action = 'form')
     if ($type === null) {
         return $this;
     } else {
         $f = 'pay_' . strtolower($type) . '_' . strtolower($action);
         $pp = func_get_args();
         return method_exists($this, $f) ? @call_user_method_array($f, $this, $pp) : false;
Example #22
 * Executes a callback (flexible input)
 * Accepts arguments:
 * 	- "className",                      "methodName",    [ array(arguments) ]
 *  - object,                           "methodName",    [ array(arguments) ]
 *  - array("className", "methodName"), [ array(arguments) ]
 *  - array(object, "methodName"),      [ array(arguments) ]
 *  - "functionName"                    [ array(arguments) ]
 * @param mixed $arg1 String (function callback) or array (class and object callbacks)
 * @param mixed $arg2 String (for objects and classes) or array (for function callbacks)
 * @param array $arg3 Array for objects and classes
function call($arg1, $arg2 = false, $arg3 = array())
    switch (func_num_args()) {
        case 3:
            call_user_method_array(array($arg1, $arg2), $arg3);
        case 2 && is_array($arg2):
            call_user_func_array($arg1, $arg2);
        case 1 && is_string($arg1):
Example #23
  * /
  * @return [type] [description]
 public static function query()
     $args = func_get_args();
     $db = $args[0];
     $method = $args[1];
     $params = array_values($args);
     $model = new static($db);
     if (method_exists($model, $method)) {
         $result = call_user_method_array($method, $model, $params);
         return $result;
     return new Result(array('success' => false, 'message' => "Method {$method} does not exist."));
Example #24
 public function __call($method, $args)
     $b = NULL;
     if (method_exists($this->router, $method)) {
         $router = $this->router;
         $b = call_user_method_array($method, $router, $args);
         $this->router = $router;
     } elseif (method_exists($this->sql_object, $method)) {
         $sql_object = $this->sql_object;
         $b = call_user_method_array(array($sql_object, $method), $args);
         $this->sql_object = $sql_object;
     if ($b !== NULL) {
         return $b;
  * Execute the command.
  * @param  InputInterface  $input
  * @param  OutputInterface  $output
  * @return void
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $formatter = $input->getArgument('formatter');
     $params = [];
     // If 'params' option is not empty, parse it into array
     if (!empty($strParam = $input->getOption('params'))) {
         $params = explode(',', $strParam);
     try {
         $data = call_user_method_array($formatter, $this->faker, $params);
     } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
         $output->writeln("Visit https://github.com/fzaninotto/Faker for complete lists of valid formatters.");
Example #26
 public function runFilters($controller, $action, $params, $filters, $skip)
     $count = 0;
     foreach ($filters as $filter) {
         $runFilter = true;
         if (isset($skip[$filter])) {
             if (isset($skip[$filter]["only"]) && in_array($action, $skip[$filter]["only"]) || isset($skip[$filter]["except"]) && !in_array($action, $skip[$filter]["except"])) {
                 $runFilter = false;
         if ($runFilter) {
             call_user_method_array($filter, $controller, $params);
     return $count;
 public function save($reload = false)
     $args = count(func_get_args()) > 1 ? array_shift(func_get_args()) : array();
     $this->log('[' . $this->_name() . '::save] ', false);
     try {
         $saved = call_user_method_array('_save', $this, $args);
         if ($saved === false) {
             $this->log('NOT SAVED: There were no changes.');
             return $this;
         } else {
             $this->log('SAVED: ' . $saved);
             return $reload ? $this->load($saved) : $this;
     } catch (Strategery_Migrations_Exception $e) {
         $this->log('error - ' . $e->getMessage());
         return false;
Example #28
 public function __call($methodName, $params)
     // what are we doing?
     $log = usingLog()->startAction(["run redis command", $methodName, "with params:", $params]);
     // do we have such a redis call?
     if (!method_exists($this->args[0], $methodName)) {
         throw new E5xx_ActionFailed(__METHOD__, "no such redis command '{$methodName}'");
     // make the call
     try {
         $return = call_user_method_array($methodName, $this->args[0], $params);
         // all done
         return $return;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new E5xx_ActionFailed(__METHOD__, $e->getMessage());
  * Выполнение действия вызванного пользователем.
  * По-умолчанию выводит представление с таким же именем как у действия (псевдонима)
  * @param string $action
 protected function run($action)
     $methodName = "action" . $action;
     if (method_exists($this, $methodName)) {
         call_user_method_array($methodName, $this, UrlManager::getParams());
     } else {
Example #30
  * Processes the initial data set, recursivly in order to achieve a
  * fully functional api call.
  * @return
 private function processSet(ApiRetrievable $set)
     // Checks if the next index is available in the set.
     if (!isset($this->pathComponents[$this->componentIndex])) {
         // Is finnal query, call request type method.
         return call_user_method($this->requestType, $set, $this->requestData);
     $compVal = $this->pathComponents[$this->componentIndex];
     // Check if is actually searchin for an id.
     if (is_numeric($compVal)) {
         $contentType = get_class($set);
         if (get_class($set) == 'ApiDataSet') {
             $contentType = $set->contentType;
         return $this->processSet($contentType::getInstance($compVal));
     // Call the acceptable functions.
     $funcs = $set::getAvailableReturns();
     $usedFunc = null;
     // Check if a function is being called...
     foreach ($funcs as $func) {
         if ($compVal == $func['url_name']) {
             $usedFunc = $func;
     // Check if the function exists.
     if ($usedFunc) {
         $method = $usedFunc['method_name'];
         $arguments = array();
         // Get the arguments from the array.
         $iterations = 0;
         // First iteration throuh the component index is moved to the
         // next argument.
         while ($this->componentIndex < count($this->pathComponents) && $iterations++ < $usedFunc['argument_count']) {
             $arguments[] = $this->pathComponents[$this->componentIndex++];
         $result = call_user_method_array($method, $set, $arguments);
         // Establish what type of result is being expected.
         $returnType = isset($userFunc['return_type']) ? $userFunc['return_type'] : ':self';
         // Check for ':self'
         if ($returnType == ':self') {
             // Check if this is a set or a result.
             if (get_class($set) == 'ApiDataSet') {
                 $returnType = $set->contentType;
             } else {
                 $returnType = get_class($set);
         if (isset($usedFunc['return_set']) && !$usedFunc['return_set']) {
             // Return an instance of the return type not a set.
             return $this->processSet(new $returnType($result));
         // Turn the result into a new data set. Send this set to be
         // processed.
         return $this->processSet(new ApiDataSet($returnType, $result));
     } else {
         return call_user_method($this->requestType, $set, $this->requestData);